Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

After another amazing goodnight kiss, I find myself wondering why I didn't just go after him long before this? I mean, people at work used to give us heck about being an item, and I was like "No way, that would be awkward"

Well folks, I'm here to tell ya, that awkwardness only lasted like a day and a half. Now I'm just thinking...

"Good things come to those who wait." ya know.
I have a friend who sounds just like your guy. We've been very good friends for a long time and everyone thinks we are dating because we pretty much do everything together. Heck, he's even met my parents, grandparents, and uncle! LOL I do like him, but of course I'm not sure if he feels the same way! I've been too chicken to say anything for fear of the fact that he just wants to be friends! Very frustrating to not be able to read minds!

I'm so happy for you guys! I get butterflies just reading your stories! And I want to see PICTURES!!
What are the chances that he feels the exact same way? Pretty darn good, I'd say! How to approach it? I wish I could help ya there! This all happened because of a mutual friend's casual suggestion. I wish I had advice for you girl, but all I can tell you is that if you're already friends and it turns into something more, once you get past that brief awkwardness, it's pretty amazing. Now you'll have to keep me posted!

I wish you luck!
What are the chances that he feels the exact same way? Pretty darn good, I'd say! How to approach it? I wish I could help ya there! This all happened because of a mutual friend's casual suggestion. I wish I had advice for you girl, but all I can tell you is that if you're already friends and it turns into something more, once you get past that brief awkwardness, it's pretty amazing. Now you'll have to keep me posted!

That's what happened with me and my husband. He'd always hang out with me and my friends and I found that I could talk to him, a man, better than I could talk to my own girlfriends.
It got me to thinking "What if?" and it wasn't too long after that he asked me out (guess he was thinking the same thing as me!) Now 17 yrs of marriage later, plus 2 yrs even before that, and we're still the best of friends.
Good luck to you both!!
LOL, thanks Talani and Terrah!

I've seen him pretty much every single day this whole week, and this has been the first full week back at college. He invited me to a baseball game tonight and it was wonderful. He sat next to me everywhere we sat. Tomorrow we are going to a rodeo and it will be me, him, and another couple. Sometimes I feel like maybe he's shy but other times I feel like I'd be an idiot if I said something and he didn't think the same way. However, this is my senior year at college so I don't really have much to lose. I just have no idea how to let him know I AM interested without looking like a total fool! I had a crush on him the first time I met him three years ago and a friend of his found out and told him. At the time he said he didn't know me well enough and didn't want to jump into a relationship. I had to agree because that's not what I wanted at the time either, I just had a crush on him. We talked about it and became very good friends after. It definitely wouldn't be the end of the world if I found out he didn't like me, but I'd hate to lose him as a friend!

I don't mean to hijack your thread! I love hearing about other people's relationships though. I think its fascinating to hear how people meet because sometmes I think it's more than chance!
Girl, you're not hijacking at all! I know exactly how you feel. We're less than a week into this relationship and the thought is always in the back of my mind, "What if this doesn't work out?" I don't want to lose that friendship. That would kill me.

We're both working tonight, only he's in the ER and I'm up on third floor. *sigh* I took my half hour break and went down to see him, they had been swamped all night and had just cleared out. I got to spend a few minutes with him anyways

I don't know what happens next, but seems as of late I've been pretty anxious for the next day to get here already!

Chickerdoodle, you must keep us posted on when and if you decide to make the move.
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Girl!!!! ask him to get e bite to eat somewhere with out friends! You will get the vibe or not-if not stick to friendship if the vibe and attraction is there go from there but if you have nothing to lose..afterall it is your last year in college-go for it!
Girl!!!! ask him to get e bite to eat somewhere with out friends! You will get the vibe or not-if not stick to friendship if the vibe and attraction is there go from there but if you have nothing to lose..afterall it is your last year in college-go for it!

Yip. What she said.

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