Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Girl!!!! ask him to get e bite to eat somewhere with out friends! You will get the vibe or not-if not stick to friendship if the vibe and attraction is there go from there but if you have nothing to lose..afterall it is your last year in college-go for it!

We actually go out all the time! We've been friends for three years and he asks me to go just about anywhere with him, even if it's to Target to choose underwear. (I never let him forget that one!) Sometimes I get a strong vibe from him and sometimes I don't . Last year was a tough one for both of us because we were quite stressed from classes and other things going on in life but this year I've seen him every day. He's like my dad and seems to feel uncomfortable with "heart to heart" talks, so I try to avoid that, but it makes it difficult to know where we stand on things. I think we'd still be friends even if I found out he didn't like me the way I like him or if he found out that I liked him more than a friend, but that doesn't make it any easier!

I'm getting ready to leave for a rodeo that we are going to with another couple tonight. I'll let you know if anything happens!

Girl!!!! ask him to get e bite to eat somewhere with out friends! You will get the vibe or not-if not stick to friendship if the vibe and attraction is there go from there but if you have nothing to lose..afterall it is your last year in college-go for it!

We actually go out all the time! We've been friends for three years and he asks me to go just about anywhere with him, even if it's to Target to choose underwear. (I never let him forget that one!) Sometimes I get a strong vibe from him and sometimes I don't . Last year was a tough one for both of us because we were quite stressed from classes and other things going on in life but this year I've seen him every day. He's like my dad and seems to feel uncomfortable with "heart to heart" talks, so I try to avoid that, but it makes it difficult to know where we stand on things. I think we'd still be friends even if I found out he didn't like me the way I like him or if he found out that I liked him more than a friend, but that doesn't make it any easier!

I'm getting ready to leave for a rodeo that we are going to with another couple tonight. I'll let you know if anything happens!

Chickerdoodle you need to just ask him. "Listen (insert his name here), I really value our friendship and wouldn't want to hurt it in any way however do you ever feel more for me than just a friend?" He may answer yes, no, or stumble around it possibly feeling the same way that you do. If you are direct and assertive with him you will get your answer. Here's the important part, whatever he says don't change your relationship or the way you treat him or act around him. Maybe just sneak a kiss or just tell him to kiss you and see where that goes.

I make it a habit to ask people with successful marriages what their secret is. The vast majority will always say their husband/wife/SO is their best friend. Funny how that works.
Nothing too much really happened last night, but I had an amazing time at the rodeo. Definitely had a good feeling about the two of us, but again sometimes I feel that way and sometimes I don't. It's just so darn confusing!

Purple Chicken, I keep going back and forth about whether or not I should ask him. I don't know if I should tell him I like him or ask him, but I like the way you put it. We have a bunch of things we want to do before the end of this year so I think I'll ask him the next time we are alone together and the moment is right. He mentioned he wanted to go back to this little beach and watch the sunset again before the weather gets too cold. If I can work up the guts, I think that would be a good time to ask.

I don't want to waste my time waiting around for him, but I do fear that he may feel just as awkward as I do. I keep thinking of the best way to transition from a friendship to a relationship and the only way I can figure is by being direct! I think I would rather feel awkward than graduate and never know how he felt!

Again Terrah...sorry for hijacking your thread! You've truly inspired me though.
I'm sure Terrah doesn't mind the hijacking.

Just a few more thoughts and I'm thinking how I would react if I was in his situation. If you tell him you like him, which he probably already knows anyways, you are sort of forcing him to do or say something. I suspect there is a little bit of shyness on both your parts here. If you ask him how he feels it will be easier for him to answer. "Do you ever think of me as more than a friend?" is a lot easier for someone, especially a friend, to handle than "I like you more than a friend".

There's another side to this too. If it turns out he just wants to be friends it may elevate your friendship to a higher level. This may sound counterintuitive but sometimes that's how it works.

If he does say he likes you and wants more than just let it happen. Don't be afraid to be yourself and show affection.

This stuff is seldom easy but it sure makes life worth living.
Thanks PC! Very helpful advice. My heart is already racing thinking about it, but I'm going to try and get him alone this week and ask him about it. I think that question will make it easier for both of us. Like I said, I really doubt it would make our friendship awkward for too long even if he says he just wants to be friends. We've overcome a lot these past few years. Like you said, I'm fairly sure he knows I like him already!
Wow! We had an amazing time at the winery today! It was a 2 hour drive, but we neither one had to drive, so he had his arms around me the whole time. It was pretty great. We went to a great Irish restaurant, and I went to take my ticket and he took it from me and paid for my dinner. Then off to the winery for 3 more hours of being close. He doesn't even like wine. I asked him "Then why the heck did you want to come?" and he said, "Because I wanted to spend the day with you."


1 week into this thing and I'm pretty sure it's too soon to be talking the "L" word, but wow.... This man is amazing. Anyhow, here is a picture from today, I don't look great, but he's still adoreable


Oh, and let's just say that when we got back to my car (I parked at his place) and we "said" goodnight, I did not want to go home
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