Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Oh Girl, you are so not hijacking! Now stop saying you're sorry, because there is NOTHING to be sorry about! I'm anxious to see how your situation comes out! You need to listen to PC, he's a super guy, and he's got a little insight to the male species.

I wish you the best of luck- and KEEP US POSTED!
A portrait of doomed bachelorhood... both yours and his.
The two of you have already thrown in the towel, and you're both putty now.
ETA OMG, now I'm getting mushy. I'm leaving this thread forever. GOODBYE!
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THATS AWESOME!!!!!! Both Ladies-

Chickerdoodle-put your big girl panties on and be assertive-you will never know until you do and why wait-its either there or not-If its not then move on to the next chapter in your life but do not leave him out of it. Meaning, like PC said, your freindship might take a greater turn so that now that the awkwardness is off the table and you know where its not going to go- you can be even more open and have fun with it!
Good looking couple!

I'll add my story to the masses to reassure you ladies that being with your best friend is the way to go. DH was my best friend for seven, yes, SEVEN years before we started dating. We dated for a year, were engaged for about a year and have been married for right at 15 years now. He 'knew' before I did but was willing to wait until we were both ready and I'm so thankful for that.

Chickerdoodle, letting him know you're interested doesn't mean you ruin the friendship if he's not. DH let me know right off the bat that he thought we belonged together but I wasn't seeing it at that time. We stayed best friends, supported each other thru our various screw ups and, hey, he was right. lol. So ask him out for lunch or something and see what vibes you get. Good luck!
LOL, great now I'll be giggling bout putting on my big girl panties! You mean I can't wear my spongebob ones?

I've already made up my mind that I will ask him. Just have to wait till the right moment. I definitely get a vibe. I sat close to him at the rodeo and he didn't move away. In fact, he seemed quite comfortable sitting right where he was. At this point, I think this is the best way to go. Might be awkward at the moment, but I'll get over it! I know I've overheard him say in the past to his fraternity brothers when they asked him why he never dated anyone through college that he didn't want a relationship during college because of the stress. I'm hoping he may feel differently when I ask him, but at least he'll know for sure that if he ever wants to take the relationship a step further, I would be ready! I'd rather feel embarrassed now than regret not asking later in life. Not to mention, I LOVE the butterflies. I haven't felt my heart beat so fast since I rode barrels in 4-H. Reminds you that you're alive!
A portrait of doomed bachelorhood... both yours and his.
The two of you have already thrown in the towel, and you're both putty now.
ETA OMG, now I'm getting mushy. I'm leaving this thread forever. GOODBYE!

Joe D Bryant!!! I don't believe it. (That's why I quoted it, no takebacks)

Thanks, by the way.
Newbie wandering around the Family Life section...stumbled upon this thread. LOVE IT!!! This thread = best thread EVER!!
Made my whole week, and it's only Monday!! I just love the happy! It warms my been-married-to-my-bestest-friend-for-nearly-16-years-wishing-everyone-could-be-this-happy heart (get all that? hee hee). Congratulations Iowa Roo two make a beautiful couple! And Chickerdoodle13, I hope it goes well for you. Keeping my fingers crossed for both of you young ladies!! Subscribing to this one for sure!!
He had a bad night last night. Had to go on a trauma/code (MVC, 40-something male) and the patient didn't make it. Only worked 3 hours to cover for someone who was in class, it was his night off, and that's the call he gets to go on.
The man is so dedicated to his job, he would work every day if they would let him. I stopped by his house after I left the hospital (mom is still in there) and we chatted for a while. Oh, and of course I had to get my goodnight kiss
But I told him that I love how dedicated he is to his profession (even though I really wanted him to be off- our schedules are so crazy) but if working makes him happy, then he can work all he wants to. If he's happy, I'm happy.

Yip, pretty sure I could not ask for a better man.
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Forgive me, for not knowing about your profession.... is he paramedic? And you, a nurse? I am sure you can find some time for each other! Make sure he does have some downtime or he will burn himself out. We have paramedics and EMT's here that worked often and longer and they burned themselves out and quit. Most of the reasons why they quit, lack of family time and darn tired.

So make the best of the times you have will work!

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