Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Terrah, I'm gettin' cavities reading all this love and gushy stuff. I'm with Joe, I gotta stop reading this thread before I lose it (or all my teeth)!

I had a Landscape business in the 1980's, & hired a beautiful, HARD WORKING girl. We've been married for almost 25 years. Still love her like yesteryear! I think we've had 3 arguments in all this time, so I think the key to a great relationship is..... DON'T ARGUE WITH THE MAN!!!!

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For me, it's been don't argue with the WOMAN. The secret to 47 years of togethernes for me has been-Yes dear, you're right dear, and I'm sorry dear. JK Chickerdoodle and Iowa Roo Mom, keep it happening. Loving your best friend is a pretty cool thing. Everyone should be so lucky.
Will you talk to my wife? Pleeeeeease!

listen studly-Im suuure your not all that innocent -I bet you've raised a voice or two in your day!
Will you talk to my wife? Pleeeeeease!

listen studly-Im suuure your not all that innocent -I bet you've raised a voice or two in your day!

Honestly, in my 45 years of marriage I have been slapped once... kicked once... yelled at, oh my, how many... called names that should not come from a lady's mouth... (ad nauseum)... and through all that undeserved abuse, I've been a saint.

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