Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Chickerdoodle! Any updates?

I haven't seen Chris since Monday and it's KILLIN' ME!!!
And I won't see him 'till tomorrow night.

This sucks.
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I need some cheering from my cheering team! I had invited him to sit near the lake with me the other night, but "someone" defintely didn't want me telling him anything that night. Shortly after I went to sit by the lake, two other girls came over and started talking. Then when I tried to get back into my apartment to get ahold of him my key card wouldn't work. I didn't get back in until wayyy after eleven because none of my room mates would answer their phones. Then magically, my card worked. It was real strange. His phone started going crazy that same night and then he called to tell me his back was hurting real bad. He said he was too embarrassed to ask his room mates for help getting off the couch! So I checked on him throughout the night and he managed to get into bed and I said good night. of right now, we have plans to go to a cape may beach on friday to watch the sunset. I'm thinking I'll ask then. My apartment will be empty this weekend too, so if I don't get to Friday I'll just invite him over to watch a movie and ask then. Everyone's been so busy this week with classes going full force that it's been so difficult! I am ready to ask though...but it won't be any easier! In my mind I have it that he is going to say he doesn't want a relationship until after college, which I will take to mean he just want to be friends. I'm totally ready for that, but any suggestions for what I should say afterwards to minimize awkwardness? I feel it's better to prepare for the worst answer and be pleasantly surprised at a good answer! At least asking him will put it into his head that I am interested if he ever changes his mind, but then I won't feel like I have to wait around to find out.

Sooo...wish me luck. Hopefully I'll have some positive updates for you after the weekend!
Sonew, what's a do-dang?

gosh why does everyone feel they need to pick on me and my spelling and wording
haha teasing yah Im guilty lets me re-phrase that!

"mooshy it will be when you do. Dang why does this have to be kid friendly sometimes"
"oh ok, I totally understand and just wanted to know. This way neither one of us will feel odd and it won't hurt our friendship. I like you as a friend but I can also see myself feeling a little more for you. You're a great guy. That's it. Thanks for answering me. I feel so much better now." Then immediately change the subject and act natural, even if it's hard to do.

He may feel shy, embarrassed, happy, or may not know how to handle it. His "I don't want a relationship thing" may already be him saying that. It's not that big of a deal and you need to act that way. Whatever he says do your best to just be yourself.
PC- You are like the relationship guru!!!!

Chickerdoodle- in a previous relationship I told a guy i liked him more than a friend and he answered me with he just didn't feel for me that way, that I was beautiful and a great girl but he loved being friends. Anyways, about a month later he said he couldn't take it anymore and he asked me out. I say go for it and good luck!!
yah but think of how AWESOME and mooshy it will be when you do-dang why does this have to be kid friendly sometimes-

But tomorrow night I'll only get to see him at work- and y'all know what that uniform does to me...

**Kid Friendly**

But enough of me drowning in my own sorrows.... Chrickerdoodle, I say listen to PC. The man is amazing, and so wise beyond his years. You've got nothing to lose girl!
for you!!!
Sorry for hijacking as well...

I've been keeping up here, but not responding...Maybe you guys could help me too? Or encouragement rather?
There's a guy that I've been crazy about for almost 2 years. My friend is giving me tickets to a jumper show this weekend, and I'm thinking about asking him...Though kind of akward asking a non-horse person to go to something like that...It would be a really good break the ice type thing (we hang out a good amount, but usually with his sister), but I dont want to screw up a friendship either...Gah - guys are confusing

Chickerdoodle - it seems I am in the same boat as you
His sis says he isn't ready yet, but I dont know if that is her protecting him, or him telling her? I dont know...I just really want to make it semi known at least that I have a thing for him...You never know who "the one" might be...All I can say, is everything feels right when I'm with this guy

Good luck to the rest of you as well
PC, I gotta start writing these down on note cards! I wonder what he'd think if I pulled out a stack and read off em?
I'll *try* not to do that, but hopefully I can remember everything!
That is the perfect answer and was sort of what I was originally going for, but couldn't put it in the right words.

Thank you thank you! I will update you all as soon as I have something to update.

And Terrah...gotta agree with you on the uniform thing! I hope your work days go quickly and you get to be back in his arms soon enough!

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