Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

I would ask him! I went through a similar thing a couple years ago with a guy in my photography class. I had an extra ticket to a country concert and had no idea if he even liked country music, but I asked him anyways. Unfortunately he had previous obligations that same weekend for his job, but he did say he was very sad he couldn't go and definitely would have if he didn't have plans. It took a lot of courage to do, but I was sooo happy I asked. It got the word to him that I wanted to spend time with him, without being too awkward. Feel out the situation if he goes with you. I wouldn't listen to everything his sister tells you's best to get info right from the source! A lot of times friends can skew them to fit their point of view, which is very rarely the whole truth!

I'm assuming the part about her skewing the info is from her own point of view...It doesn't seem like something he would out right tell her...I'm friends with her as well (she is actally the reason I met her bro), but still nervous
I've never "asked" anyone out before...I dont want it to be too akward...You can see how not confident I am (I'm 21 - young enough to say I've never "asked" anyone out, and old enough to know that it is rather sad to admit hehe!)
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I'm 21 as well, and I am pretty much in the same boat as you! I've never officially gone on a date and I still get nervous asking. However, it's easier to ask if you do it in a friendly way, rather than saying it's a date. Just be like "Hey, I have an extra ticket to a horse jumping competition. They are always a lot of fun and I was wondering if you'd be interested in coming along." I drag male friends to rodeos all the time and hardly any of them have ever been to a rodeo before. They still have tons of fun!
I'd go with you Chicker! Please please please? (Although I'm sorta the wrong gender, but it sure does sound like fun!)
I think I'm going to go with your plan Chickerdoodle! I didn't want to make it sound like a date, that was most of the problem...Just an...Outing? lol And hope for more at some point?
I'm pretty excited about the show...I've always wanted to show there, but I lost my show horse, and my new horse isn't jumping yet...But I guess, watching is the next best thing...Especially if there is a guy at your side that still makes you studder and grin after knowing them for a relatively long time.
Not true! I asked Chris if he wanted to go to the winery, which was 2 hours away, and he said yes. I find out when we get there and he hands me my ticket for the free glass that he really doesn't like wine at all. I asked him why he came, and he said, "I just wanted to spend time with you."

You may be suprised Chubbydog, and besides, who doesn't find a jumping competition interesting, horse person or not? Sounds like fun to me!

Just ask, trust me. I was so afraid that I would ruin the friendship, but after some serious discussion in private with Debi, I realize that if I don't let myself fall, I will never know, and that would be even worse.
I'd go with you Chicker! Please please please? (Although I'm sorta the wrong gender, but it sure does sound like fun!)

LOL! I'd take ya Buff, but ChubbyDog is the one with the extra ticket!

Honestly, unless a person of the other gender seriously disgusted me in some way, I'd be wayy excited to go anywhere they invited me to go! Even if it's not something I would normally do.
most of us arent that complicated really. You ask us and if we hem and haw then he may not be interested or he's embarrassed. Only body language will tell you the difference between the two. Also..... If he doesn't do that, he's liable to answer directly. No matter what way it goes you will know.
And then do exactly the opposite.

It's easier to give advice than take it. I'm a guy and some things are universal among us, while some aren't. I'm also blessed to have a few close friends who are women so I sort of understand both sides of CD's dilemma here.

One thing I've learned, and it was just over the past few years, is that it's better to be assertive and say how you feel rather than wondering and worrying. If you like someone you gotta tell them. However you need to do it in a way they can handle. That's easy to say on a forum but sometimes in person it can be pretty darn scary.

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