Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Maybe I should have aren't really all that confusing, but the women just try to make it that way to make up for the fact that they (women) are too confusing, and like to over-complicate things just for the sake of something to talk about to other women...Did that about cover it

I think I'm going to go for it...I mean, really, what do I have to lose (other than my pride, but oh well lol)...
OMG, you guys are just so sweet! I really need to go get myself a nice young man. Seems everyone looking at me is double my age & I'm barely bar legal (in the US anyway) :p
Awe shucks. Well, I'm sure another oppertunity will arise and you can take advantage of the time to confront him. You'll know when the time is right.

Or maybe it will happen by chance before you even get to say anything
Well, I had great plans tonight. I knew I had to go out to the hospital to pick up mom's cell phone charger and pills, so I text Chris to see if he wanted me to bring him anything. I knew seeing him would make me feel better about all the stuff going on, and my otherwise not-so-good day. Good plan, right?

NOT!!! He's on a transfer to IA City, 4 hours round trip.

Stupid plans
Aww, Terrah, I'm so sorry! Here's a hug from meee!!!

I went out tonight with my friend to a local bar. There is a shuttle that runs back and forth from campus so the whole group of us could go and not have to worry about a designated driver. I had no worries, and I had such a great time! I really pushed my limits tonight and he never once moved away. I was so tempted to just put my arm around his back and tell him how cute I thought he was, but I resisted. I didn't want to do anything at the wrong time! He was really keeping an eye on me the whole time and I think his friend thinks something might be up because he kept giving me his chair so I could sit close to MY friend. Unfortunately, tonight was not the right time to ask the things PC has suggested to ask, but I really tested. I moved away several times and he came right back up next to me. Many times I sidled right up close and we stood arm to arm!

At the end of the night we were waiting to get back on the shuttle and the rest of our group got on but my friend hung back with me. They told him he could get on, so he held his hand out for me to take it. I think he got a little embarrassed that I actually grabbed it, but they wouldn't let us both on so he waited with me. Definitely a
moment for me! Then when we were on the shuttle he told me he offered to take another shift for someone at his job which means our original plans for tomorrow night won't work. However, he then asked me if I wanted to go out to a local diner after work. I'm thinking this will be a good time to ask! I also asked if he wanted to watch a movie tomorrow night and he said sure. It was funny though cause on the ride home we sat next to each other and we were both a little shy to sit really close. I wanted sooo badly to get closer but I chickened out!

Sooo...I'm feeling hopeful about tomorrow. Even if he does say he just wants to be friends, I think it'll get him thinking. Right now I don't think his behavior is typical of "just" friends because I see the way he acts towards other girls and there's just certain things he does with me that he doesn't do with them. I can't believe how much I've fallen for him over the course of four years. I really hope he considers what I say! I know I'll be able to pull myself up if he doesn't, but I smile when I think about the first time I met him. He was a nerdy little kid standing against a tree drinking a soda. So hopefully tomorrow I'll have another good update!
girl!!! you are so in like Flynn...
slow is good the vibe is there-the eyes are there and the hand holding HELLO??? woo-hoo cant wait to hear the next saga chapter!!!
girl!!! you are so in like Flynn...
slow is good the vibe is there-the eyes are there and the hand holding HELLO??? woo-hoo cant wait to hear the next saga chapter!!!


hey kiddo, guys don't hold a girls hand (ESPECIALLY IN FRONT OF OTHERS) unless it's either been declared verbally or genuinely accepted as fact.

Or his buddies already know he likes you and told him if he doesn't MAN UP that they would have a little "talk" with you. I'm betting its the genuinely accepted as fact.
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