Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

If you need to withdraw from classes this quarter it would be okay under the circumstances. With working and your mom's health, you may have enough on your plate. I am sure that the school would understand and at this point in the quarter you shouldn't get penalized for it. There will be plenty of time after your mom is out of the hospital to get the education that you need. I know that I would understand and I think that everyone else here would to. Sometimes we just have to give ourselves permission to limit what we have to do in any given day. It also scares me that you are driving a long ways as tired as you sound. I for one don't want to lose you that way, and it would be to hard on your parents.

Also with the BF he just may not have heard what’s going on, or he just doesn't know what to say. It is okay to take care of yourself, that way you can be strong enough to get through this time of crisis without being totally overwhelmed.

Please forgive me if this was covered already. I have been trying to post this note for the best part of an hour or so.
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Also, it's always always always better to be overdressed than underdressed!

wedding was a month ago, folks!
Just found this thread! Iowa Roo Mom, maybe it is simply a matter of him not knowing how to react to you and your family in the current medical situation...maybe he feels he is an outsider and does not want to push himself on you or your family right now....maybe he feels it would be selfish of him to encroach on the family since he is not himself "family"....don't read too much into this right now...

And Joe Bryant, how many times have you said "I am gone for good this time....Goodbye"??? Are you taking notes??
At this point, it's about the fact that he hasn't even made an attempt to contact me. I don't need anyone to hold my hand- but a simple "hey, how was your day?" would be nice. At this point, I would take the "hi" alone. But hi haven't heard from him since Tuesday when I saw him at work. I sat at the admitting desk for 2 hours last night, there were 3 patients in the ER, and he made no attempt to even stop in and say "hey". His partner came and chatted with us, but no sign of him. We're going to have a talk tonight or tomorrow, because I need to know where I stand. I don't do well with the unknown.
Many times sleepovers can change the dynamics of a relationship...women can see it as threshold to committment and a guy sees it as a sleepover...the only advise I can give is not to get hostile... upset women usually equal shut down men... instead of approaching it "where do I stand" maybe approach it " is everything alright, did something happen"....this way maybe he will not feel he has to go on the defensive....and maybe just maybe he is confused right now as well. I do understand how you feel, just try to relax a little and not read too much into it right now...

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