Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Well, we had a talk- sort of- and things are ok. He was thinking that since I hadn't text him or called him that I might be upset. *sigh* And life goes on

Yeah, well, you know.

Hey the new Zac Brown album is AWESOME!!! I wore out The Foundation and now I plan to thoroughly abuse this one. I blame you.
Big Baby...actually I was on another thread you had started "Men only, no women allowed" are quite the character Joe Bryant...

Until he had the mods close it! LOL

I think that was his sign to get out of the kitchen. I have never heard if that was really his wife.....I thought it said the they registered in 2009 and never posted till that thread. He only got in trouble once so far it looks like or that warranted a comment or two.
HA! So goes to show you he needs you to call him or keep in touch till he feels more secure in the relationship. Give him a
though because he should be helping/supporting you while you are dealing with your family crisis.
Told you not to read too much into had already decided you were ready to go it alone again, and it was simply a matter of miscommunication. Think more of yourself and be less quick to always think the worst.
I'm glad things are working out Terrah. I hate miscommunications because I always end up getting so upset over nothing!

In my own life, I'm sort of feeling a bit like poop. I went out last night with some friends for dancing and pool. My friend had was the one that made the plans and originally I wasn't going to go because I had made plans with my room mates. Things ended up working out so I went anyways. Big mistake!

I was waiting out front to meet up with my friend. When the group got there he nodded his head at me and walked right past. Didn't even wait for me to follow. I probably should have left at that point! Shortly after we get inside and grab some seats, this girl comes over and sits next to my friend. I know her through another friend of mine and she is bad news. She really gets around, if ya know what I mean! I was sitting next to my friend and noticed he was way more preoccupied with her than he was with me. That was fine, because we are not dating, but for someone who invited me it was a bit rude! So I made the best of my time hanging out with some other people. When it came time to leave, my friend insisted he get a ride for me with his friends because that is how he got there. I had originally taken the shuttle and figured I would just take it back. His friend and the girlfriend said it was fine, that they would drive me back. So I just figured that my friend was coming along with us. Instead I see him walking off with the other girl and a few of her friends. When we got in the car, friend's girlfriend questioned that and thought it was strange. Her boyfriend said it was weird too and that he (my friend) said he had to go with her because she was getting upset about something and he needed to make sure their group got back ok. In short, he ditched us all! So I ended up having to ride home with these people who I didn't know all that well and who seemed to be mad at each other over something stupid. AND my friend ditched me. The fact that I wasn't the only one to notice just makes me feel so much worse. For a friend, that was a really really low thing to do, especially when I had been the one invited.

I definitely should have listened to the little voice inside my head. All night it kept telling me I shouldn't have been there. I'm upset with my friend for acting like a butthead and ditching me and his other two friends without so much as an explanation or an "I'm sorry". I'm not even going to bring it up at all. I really felt like an idiot though because he made me look like I was just there "tagging along" instead of part of the group.

Oh well, won't keep me down for too long! I've got an exciting weekend ahead.
My professional/expert opinion/advice to anyone whose boyfriend/girlfriend is causing them constant problems is dump them. There are a million more where they came from, free and gratis. That'll be $50 please... cash preferred.

chickerdoodle- dang, that makes me angry that he would do that to you
But you definatly have the right attitude about it!!!! Like Joe said, there are PLENTY of fish in the sea that won't take you for granted and actually treat you like the jewel that you are

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