Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

Nice update! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for asking for an update. You're welcome. :)

I took some of my hens to a field in my neighborhood to take pictures of them, and later, some others to some maples for Fall Photos. I haven't uploaded them onto my laptop yet, but maybe I'll do that tomorrow and share some on here. At the field, I had an interesting time with Tweety...

She was my first hen for the photos. I walked around with her to figure out where I was going to take pictures, and even let her explore on her own while I got my camera. (She followed me back for the most part.) Once I was ready and all set up, I attempted to get good pictures of Tweety. She, unfortunately, knew I had a treat. She began to threaten me if I didn't give her a treat. :gig If I didn't give her a treat, she'd start walking away. The last time she started to threaten, she decided to follow through... Until she got across the field... I kept calling her, but she went to the fence which is at the end of the field.... I kept calling her and waved around her treat. She looked, but decided to go further... She went around the fence and to the road. :th

I had thought Tweety threatening me was funny, but she was looking to be dangerous, so I did something different. I got her, got her lost (this is carrying her and blocking her view), and took her somewhere else. She didn't threaten me anymore. She stuck pretty close to me, and at one point, I could tell she was very scared when she came up to me. I didn't understand why at first, until I spotted a Bald Eagle flying next to the field. It's not often I see birds of prey in my area, but I'm glad Tweety wasn't threatening me anymore but staying close to me when I saw that Eagle. If she was still threatening me, and going across that field, that Eagle could of gotten her.

After the planned pictures of today, I let my flock out to free range. They had a good time, and a few kept following me around. Phoebe and Valerie didn't get out that much because they were laying their eggs. I took some pictures of my birds free ranging too, and if I think of it, I'll try posting a couple of them too. :)
Life with the Flock:
Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

Hello, fellow BYCers and friends! Welcome to my flock thread! Here, I will tell some of my life stories with my birds, post occasional updates, and most likely, tons of pictures! I hope you will all enjoy it, and all are welcome! :frow

My Current Birds:

Nightfall; 2021-2022 Rooster of the Year:

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Nightfall is an EE/Rhode Island Blue rooster. He hatched on July 13, 2021. He was the youngest of his hatch, and even being my current only rooster, he's not very dominant. The hens often like to bully him, though he is finally coming around. He's slightly skittish and is very delayed.

Aundria; Queen of the Flock:

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Aundria is a Blue Rock hen. I got her in September 2020, and she had hatched earlier that year. Aundria is the queen of her flock, and what I call my 'Showbird'. (A Showbirds is a bird that is very photo genetic, very pretty, and one that I like to show off to everyone.)

Princess; Everyone's Favorite:

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Princess is a Buff Brahma hen. I got her at the same time I got Aundria, and she's the same age. She is often everyone's favorite whenever I show off my birds. She's my largest hen.

Penny II; The Bully:

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Penny is a Sliver-Laced Wyandotte hen, who's the same as Aundria. She is a mean hen and has even gotten in trouble for being a bully.

Maisy; An Interesting Bird:

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Maisy is a Cukoo Maran (mix?) hen. Again, she's the same as Aundria. Just, I got her six days after I got my five hens with Aundria. Maisy is a different type of hen. She has a very high tolerance for anything. Earlier this year, she went broody. She was the broodiest hen I ever owned, which makes it hard for her being my smallest hen. She loves raw deer meat, especially when it's served to her on a fork. Though she's my smallest hen, and probably my ugliest, she's intelligent, and feisty and can easily stand her ground.

Rocky II; Special, No Doubt:

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Rocky is a Golden Comet hen. She's the same age as Aundria, with me getting her at the same time. Of the original six hens that I got in September, she was my favorite. She comes to her own name, and she helped me train the rest of my flock to come to the treat call. I don't have many recent pictures of her, because she's currently my Bald Butt Society bird. Penny, in particular, thought it'd be a nice thing to do, by plucking her rear end bald. Rocky skipped out on this year's molt, so she is still bald back there.

Jewels; My Problem Chicken:

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Jewels is a Speckled Sussex and the same as Aundria. She is a beautiful hen with an outstanding tail. (Sorry you don't see that tail in any of those pictures. She's finishing up her molt.) She is my 'problem' chicken. Within the first few months of owning her, I discovered she had a crop issue. With treatment looking to complicated, with no real answers, I bought her a crop bra. Her crop appear to have healed after several months of wearing the bra, so I decided to take it off. Bad idea. After a couple of days, she got a bad case of impacted crop, so back with the crop bra. After some more time with the bra, and frustrated that she had to wear it, I finally got some help from @Wyorp Rock, and she now appears to be doing well; crop bra free! :celebrate

Beth II; The Amazing Rescue:

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Beth is an Isa Brown hen. She was rescued, by my Mom, on a busy highway earlier this year. Beth took a deep liking to me and will follow me ANYWHERE. She's very special to me because of that and got a special place in my heart.

Shiloh II; Much Different From the First:

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Shiloh is an EE/Rhode Island Blue pullet. She's Nightfall's sister, and hatched a day before him. She's a solid Blue hen, and is friendly. I've been training her to come to her name, which she is learning, just she needs some improvement still. She loves adventures, and if I'm not paying attention, she'll get a little too far away.

Well, I hope everyone enjoys my flock thread! Everyone is welcome to follow!

Special thanks to my best friend, @cluckmecoop7, for the title, and for motivating me to decide to do this. :hugs:hugs

If anyone want to, feel free to check out my YouTube Channel Lacy Duckwing, here.
Beautiful birds! Do you still have Nightfall?
Oh, you were confusing me. 😉 They are pullets.
Oh, sorry. You're thinking the hen under one year old is pullet. I'm calling them adults because of size and they're laying. They're adults to me, even though they're not a year old yet. Sorry about that.
Oh, you were confusing me. 😉 They are pullets.
Well, actually, a pullet that is laying is considered an adult. Once they reach a year old, they are considered a hen. They don’t have to be a hen to be an adult, they simply just need to be of laying age. If that made any sense... just something I learned from being in 4-H.

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