We are new to chicken keeping only having a small flock of hens as pets. They are hybrid hens that we got 3 years ago and this summer they seem to have suddenly become elderly. We had 6 hens that were laying 6 a day then went down to 3 then recently 1 a week. They also seemed to like to take more naps in the day time. We found 1 hen dead in the nest box one morning who had seemed fine the previous day then a month or two later our favourite hen suddenly started walking slowly and panting she died the next day. Is this typical of hybrid hens to go down hill fast? The 4 that are left seem in good health despite one having had a vent prolapse last year (having to shove a finger up a chickens bum is not something I ever thought I'd do) and one currently going through a drastic molt (she looks very naked). So really I'm wondering if this is normal for their life expectancy. Many thanks.