Light at the end of the tunnel !!

City Farmer Jim

Mar 18, 2020
South Texas close to Corpus Christi
I'm sorry if this is the silliest you have ever heard BUT inquiring minds need to know. Let me start by saying the coop is 4' wide and 8' long that is 4' tall. Here's the question does anyone "light" their coop? We are on our second and a half flock now. We for the life of us could NOT get the first flock go in the coop no matter what we tried. We seem to remember reading somewhere to install a night light to turn our "tunnel of terror" into "home sweet home" to roost in. It has worked very well, I have refined it to this point. I have a timer that has a night plugged into it with an LED bulb. Apparently the girls like to peck on the incandescent ones until they fail to light lol.
Natural daylight is the only light source I give my chickens. I have battery lights too, but that's so I can see to clean out on very overcast days.
I guess I didn't add the part that it(timer) set to turn off at 9 PM and is adjusted down according to daylight as needed. It seems to work rather well. The non laying pullets go in the coop and roost then the laying pullets(soon to be hens) and mill about a little bit then the light goes out.

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