Light Brahma-Cockerel or Pullet?

Shhhoooot. I'm kinda panicing here.

I have light brahma that doesn't have a bright comb or wattle, but does have two longer tail feathers (on the very tip of the tail- two feathers that kind of arch a bit longer, about an inch or so, than the others). I've been hoping they were just "stray feathers" that went array.

Is it possible for a pullet to have a couple stray feathers that are a bit longer on her tail? He/She is about 11 weeks old. Almost no color to his/her comb and wattle.

Her "cluck" is also a bit deeper than my other two smaller Brahmas. I'll try to post photos tomorrow.

So I went out this evening and got some photos of my light brahma pullet/cockerel. PLEASE let me know what you think! It's the crazy tail feathers that are worrying me.



Anyone want to give input on this one? Supposed to be a light brahma pullet, but it's smaller than the others, feathering later, and much darker. Comb and wattles are the same size as my others though...Pics are at 4 weeks 1 day.

And more pics, one with two of the others for comparison.
Dvander...your Brahma looks a lot like my LB cockerel. The comb and wattles on mine are turning redder but at 11 weeks were as yellow as yours, the neck feathers, and that weird tail feather is telling me rooster! But LB's aren't the easiest bird to sex so it may be until it pops out an egg or crows. One thing I take into account is how it acts, at 5 wks mine was very aggressive, jumping on my BO, and picking fights with my hens, I made post about it and everyone said it was a dominant pullet. Here's the thread, hope the pics help!

I think there is still a good chance of yours being a rooster, so I wouldn't rule that out too quickly.

Wish you well!

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