Light Brahma eggs for sale - AK - *SOLD*


Chick Magnet
11 Years
Mar 3, 2008
Is anyone interested, this late in the season, in Light Brahma eggs? (edited to add that these are Standards, not Bantams...
I have one girl that is laying nearly every day, so I could have 6+ eggs available for shipping 9/22 if anyone would like them. They are beautiful brown/pink-tinted eggs.
$16.00 shipped, and we do have a PayPal account.

Here are pictures of Emily and Dominic (this year's birds), the parents...

This is a younger photo of Dom... I need to get a newer photo of him up front and personal.

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Oh Fooie!!...If only it was Jan. or Feb. I would want these so much!!... I have no room for chicks in the wintertime!.. I could cry now...sniff
I only have two eggs saved so far. I just can't bring myself to put them in with the "eating" eggs quite yet, but I don't want to hatch them, either. I have 5 in the incubator now in a last-ditch attempt to hatch a few more girls (this is my ONLY pair, heaven forbid something should happen to them now!) so I thought I would offer them up if there are any other insane hatchaholics out there.

The 29th ship date is taken, but the 22nd is still open.

Sandy, we've got you covered, hun...
Better put them in the bator if no one takes them!! me disaster can happen quickly without a back up bird or two!..they won't be too much difference in their ages with your hatchings!...

Thanks Tori, I will get some in the Spring...
I have some in there now... I refuse to start up a 3rd incubator this late in the year...

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