Light Brahma Rooster has red (inflamed) pores


Aug 21, 2016
Tallahassee, FL

I inherited a quad of Light Brahmas a few months back, and the Rooster (1 1/2 years old) has had red/inflamed pores on his entire skin since i got him. They came to me in poor condition. The hens had feathers missing everywhere and his leg feathers where also almost non existent, since the hens, or other birds were picking them out. His feet, look awful, although not scaly leg mites, his feet, are irritated, and red (not hormones) and feathers broken off at the shafts. What worries me, even with having them on high quality, 20% flock booster feed and healthy veggies etc. his skin has not improved. Could this be dermatitis? What could i do? I will add a pic in a bit. The pores on his entire skin have red circles around the feather shafts, and his feathers at the shaft are thin and look unhealthy. He gets concentrated vitamins (NutriDrench for poultry and also the more potent version for goats. I would like to know if this is normal?
I just took those pics. His condition has not improved. When he first arrived a few months ago, he got ivermectin pour on treatment, and i treated for scaly leg mites for 7 days. Every day he got a warm epsom salt foot soak, after that, scrubbing between the scales etc. with dawn dish soap and a soft tooth brush, dried the feet, applied ivermectin pour on, let air dry, then applied a thick coat of vaseline. It has not improved at all. His leg feathers have somewhat come back, but now i see he still has that big swollen buldge and highly irritated pores where the feathers are growing back. No abscesses. Just highly irritated. I am planning on giving him low dose aspirin (81mg) since i am out of carprofen. He is currently receiving Baytril orally, and vitamins, since he seems to have a stumbling issue, which corrected itself after a course of high level b vitamin complex injections a month back. But yesterday i saw him standing around with his eyes closed, and i heard a sneeze. Since i have no way of confining him, he is on his second day of baytril. Whatever is ailing him, i want him better. I don't know if his skin issue is dermatitis related, since the skin around the irritated pores seem to also be flaky,/dry. What else, other than an oatmeal shampoo bath can help his skin? Anti-inflammatory meds? TIA The condtition of his pores is the same everywhere. Most irritated at the vent, legs/feet, wings also a bit.
Every pore of his skin has a light red circle around it. Even though it isn't that visible in the pic.
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Looks like some scaly leg mites, oil treatment needs to be several times a week until the scales look normal, that can take a while. You can use any vegetable oil, I use castor oil, work it into the scales as best you can, then you can put vaseline on top of that if you want. I attached your picture with an arrow below, looks like maybe a small spot of bumblefoot on a toe? Can't really tell, maybe just dirt, but worth checking.
Also maybe depluming mites, or other mites for the body feathers. Here are a couple of links, ivermectin is usually recommended for depluming mites, permethrin for all others:
I had a braham roo who's legs would get red like that, he had no mites or any other issues, and it would get especially evident when he had new feathers growing in, and he would often break them off. I would put coconut oil on and wrap gently with co flex bandaging to protect the feather shafts, and they would clear up for a while and then recur. I always kind of assumed it was just a genetic issue, I've had other feather footed and legged birds that did not have the problem.
It sounds like he may have a respiratory issue also, depending on which one it could be chronic. Antibiotics may help with symptoms but may not 'cure' it, it may be something that recurs with stress. Since he was in poor health when you got him, which may be a large contributor to all of his issues, I would do as you are doing and try to get him on a good diet and get him healthy as you can again, it may take some time. Since you saw some improvement with vitamins I would be inclined to continue that, you can use a B-complex tablet (human) and grind it up and mix in some food for him for a while. You can also give him probiotics, which will help with gut health especially since he's been on antibiotics. You can use a poultry one or a multi-species one like Pro bios and just mix some in his food. Maybe some others will have more suggestions.
We're you putting the ivermectin on his legs when you were treating for scaly leg mites?
Looks like some scaly leg mites, oil treatment needs to be several times a week until the scales look normal, that can take a while. You can use any vegetable oil, I use castor oil, work it into the scales as best you can, then you can put vaseline on top of that if you want. I attached your picture with an arrow below, looks like maybe a small spot of bumblefoot on a toe? Can't really tell, maybe just dirt, but worth checking.
Also maybe depluming mites, or other mites for the body feathers. Here are a couple of links, ivermectin is usually recommended for depluming mites, permethrin for all others:
I had a braham roo who's legs would get red like that, he had no mites or any other issues, and it would get especially evident when he had new feathers growing in, and he would often break them off. I would put coconut oil on and wrap gently with co flex bandaging to protect the feather shafts, and they would clear up for a while and then recur. I always kind of assumed it was just a genetic issue, I've had other feather footed and legged birds that did not have the problem.
It sounds like he may have a respiratory issue also, depending on which one it could be chronic. Antibiotics may help with symptoms but may not 'cure' it, it may be something that recurs with stress. Since he was in poor health when you got him, which may be a large contributor to all of his issues, I would do as you are doing and try to get him on a good diet and get him healthy as you can again, it may take some time. Since you saw some improvement with vitamins I would be inclined to continue that, you can use a B-complex tablet (human) and grind it up and mix in some food for him for a while. You can also give him probiotics, which will help with gut health especially since he's been on antibiotics. You can use a poultry one or a multi-species one like Pro bios and just mix some in his food. Maybe some others will have more suggestions.
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He gets Benebac Probiotics with his Baytril dose once a day.
He has no bumblefoot anywhere, those are just mud pieces, as it rained earlier, and he is a mud digger. I have had two brahmas before him (heritage) and they were raised here and never ever had scaly leg mites, or foot feather issues. It just scares me that this inflamed redness is also at the vent. He has not had a single mite, nor louse or nits. He is clean as a whistle parasite wise. Am running fecal floats from home, and he also has no issues with internal parasites. His skin just seems inflamed. Infected i would not say, just very red. He gets everything he is supposed to get, and still won't improve :(
I did a smear float, to see if he has scaly leg mites. Nothing on the slide. I treated for Scaly leg mites only to be on the safe side when he first came here. so that in case he had them, he wouldn't give them to my existing flock (he stayed quarantined for a month and a half anyways)
Looks like some scaly leg mites, oil treatment needs to be several times a week until the scales look normal, that can take a while. You can use any vegetable oil, I use castor oil, work it into the scales as best you can, then you can put vaseline on top of that if you want. I attached your picture with an arrow below, looks like maybe a small spot of bumblefoot on a toe? Can't really tell, maybe just dirt, but worth checking.
Also maybe depluming mites, or other mites for the body feathers. Here are a couple of links, ivermectin is usually recommended for depluming mites, permethrin for all others:
I had a braham roo who's legs would get red like that, he had no mites or any other issues, and it would get especially evident when he had new feathers growing in, and he would often break them off. I would put coconut oil on and wrap gently with co flex bandaging to protect the feather shafts, and they would clear up for a while and then recur. I always kind of assumed it was just a genetic issue, I've had other feather footed and legged birds that did not have the problem.
It sounds like he may have a respiratory issue also, depending on which one it could be chronic. Antibiotics may help with symptoms but may not 'cure' it, it may be something that recurs with stress. Since he was in poor health when you got him, which may be a large contributor to all of his issues, I would do as you are doing and try to get him on a good diet and get him healthy as you can again, it may take some time. Since you saw some improvement with vitamins I would be inclined to continue that, you can use a B-complex tablet (human) and grind it up and mix in some food for him for a while. You can also give him probiotics, which will help with gut health especially since he's been on antibiotics. You can use a poultry one or a multi-species one like Pro bios and just mix some in his food. Maybe some others will have more suggestions.
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I have Ivermectin Pour on and also Permethrin 10 livestock and premise spray. I am pretty sure those aren't scaly leg mites. All of my others are in excellent health and their feet perfeggt. It's just him :(
It looks like dermatitis to me. Cortisone cream what you can and for what you can't start him on children's benedryl the lowest dose on the package. Try that for at least a week and see if there is any improvement. Poor itchy dude.:) does look like dermatitis to me as well. I have the 25mg liquid gel capsules. I am not sure if i can suck up some and syringe into him. I have him on Baytril right now, and ordered Meloxicam tablets from the Vet. See if that knocks the inflammation down. Gave him an aspirin 81mg earlier, hope that helps him. I just hope i didn't adopt birds with issues greater than what i may be able to "fix" myself. He looked gorgeous from the outside, aside of his inflamed feather follicles on his feet. I thought that would go away with good care and clean ground etc. BUT, here i am looking at it and being in total shock instead of awe :(

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