Light Brown Leghorn Rooster in need of good home (Cleveland, Ohio)


6 Years
Apr 30, 2013
I unfortunately need to find a new home for my 8 month old Light Brown Leghorn rooster. He is great with the hens and beautiful, but a little to loud for our area.
Located in NE Ohio.
Thank you!

I like him how much do you went for him. I live in the 30mins from the MI and Ohio line. I can come to get him next saturday.
Hello! I apologize for the delay...
I was able to trade him for a another rooster that (so far) has been even quieter than expected.
Thank you for our interest.
I unfortunately need to find a new home for my 8 month old Light Brown Leghorn rooster. He is great with the hens and beautiful, but a little to loud for our area.
Located in NE Ohio.
Thank you!

Just for future referance, that is a Easter Egger rooster not a Leghorn.

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