Light for extended laying

Read this article, and it explains very well how to do it.

BTW Chicken Chick is also a BYC member. :thumbsup

The suggested amounts of light vary by different individual researches. Some suggest 15 hours, some 14 hours. There are others that have different amounts as well.
Simple terms is,,,,, 12 hours is most-likely sufficient, and that is from simple assumptions. Peeps that live near the equator, receive 12 hours daylight, year-round. If 12 hours was not enough, then all the chickens near the equator would not be laying eggs.

Best to add the light in the pre-dawn hours. This way chickens wake,,,, eat,,, and when coop door is opened, they go outdoors, and receive daylight. When dusk onsets, they go to sleep.

My chickens stop laying in autumn, and don't resume until spring. Yes there are a few eggs now and then, but nothing to write home about.

In winter my chickens are housed inside my garage loft. I have Non cold hardy breeds, (Seramas) and others that are cold hardy, but all my chickens need to stay together. I provide them with 12 hours of electric light on timer, so they don't go wacky. :gig:lau:old.. My chickens are my pets, but I do eat the eggs when they provide them.
There are like I said earlier, some eggs, but few. Chickens are fine and healthy, and happy, and do not consume much feed, since not producing many eggs.
All my chickens live long lives. My current oldest is 9 years old. (she layed 2 eggs in 2020) My all time oldest was 13 years old.

My setup works for me well, since I do not need to let them out, and return back to coop. With the short days here, Its dark before going to work, and dark already when returning from work. Their loft is large enough for comfortable stay. Small flock BTW.
I just need to go into their loft, and give them additional feed if needed, and change/add water when needed. Once per day after work.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
How much light do chickens need to keep laying for a few months.
IDK if this helps, but I got a solar shop light online fairly inexpensive. No electricity in the coop (was an old shed repurposed). Also have a regular solar hanging light that has a timer. The shop one doesnt.
IDK if this helps, but I got a solar shop light online fairly inexpensive. No electricity in the coop (was an old shed repurposed). Also have a regular solar hanging light that has a timer. The shop one doesnt.
The solar light is good for chickens inside to find their roost at dusk. Often when it gets dark, most chickens do not want to enter a dark coop. Having windows on coop walls does not equal dark coop.
So yes, a solar light does come in handy for navigation, but not much for egg production. :thumbsup

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