Light in the coop


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
What kind of light do y'all use in your coop for young'ns. They will be 4 weeks old when I move them out. Nights are about 60 to 70 and days go 80 to 90.
at 4 week they're not not all feathered out yet, not knowing how may chicks you are talking about or the size of the coop, just a guess, would be a 40-60wat if it gets down below 60 just for safety sake (you put in so much time to this point why chance it) if you have a lot of chicks they can keep themselves warm.
Thanks.. we will have 6 to 10 (trying to sell 4) in a 4 x 6 coop. Thanks for the info.

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