Light on egg layers


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 5, 2010
Nw pennsylvania
I had a dz black sex links last winter and I used to leave a light on all night for heat and egg laying they all passed due to a mink or weasel. But now I just got 2 weeks ago 13 barred rocks. My question is should I put light on them in the winter months to get more eggs or will this " burn them out" sooner ? Or is the light method a myth? Since this last batch I have fixed where the killer got in so I am hoping for better results. Thanks
Supplemental lighting in the winter months is a matter of personal choice. Some use it, some don't , and everyone has their own reasons for their choice. It is not a myth that increasing light in the short winter days will increase egg laying. It does "burn them out" sooner. Chickens are hatched with all reproductive equipment present including all the eggs they will ever lay. Adding supplemental lighting tricks them into laying more eggs than they normally would under natural conditions. They will still lay the same number of eggs they would naturally. They just do it sooner.
I am new to chickens and wondering about the light issue also. Isn't it also true that chickens lay best when they are young?

Our chickens are now only 4 weeks old, so we don't expect our first eggs until at least October. By then, the days will be getting shorter. If we don't light the coop, won't we lose the chance to get eggs when the chickens are most productive and in their prime? How long do they lay consistently?

It would have been ideal to get chicks in February, but it is much too cold here. So far, we plan to use lights, but I'd love to hear others opinions on this.


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