Light or Night

@aart my light theory caused quite the discussion here at home.... I had to go ask the DH about it; he's the brain on the lighting issue... And he told me, in a way lol, that my theory is flawed...

I forgot that they were different BREEDS.

What we decided lol, was that it wasn't a specrum OR a lumen thing, but the HEAT. It was keeping the temps 20 degrees warmer, and THAT is what induced them to keep laying. His theory being that chickens that get daylight already during normal light wont need additional UV light, just supplemental for the 4 hours that's missing.. The warmth is what triggered them to keep going...

We were talking industrial versus backyard though... A giant enclosed barn where they never see the light of day would be the situation calling for proper wavelengths...

Lol see, I don't just derail threads in here, I do it at home too
No, it's not the heat.....wait, you're kidding, right?
No, it's not the heat.....wait, you're kidding, right?

That was HIS theory... I figured it was the light, but his thought s that I had chickens that weren't cold tolerant, so I was trying to get more eggs with supplemental light.... I figured it was the light that did it, but he made a pretty good argument that the fact that they were warm and toasty was what did it, not the light...

I tend to agree once he gets going...he's a LOT like me ;).... It makes sense, being as now I DO have cold tolerant chickens, and they don't need the heat to keep laying, and there's NO difference in the lighting....

I chalked it up to different BREEDS, he insisted it was because they were staying warm.... We got sidetracked completely OFF of the lighting subject lol....
You don't think that lights generating heat would make a difference? Maybe THAT would cut the heating bill lol...

(We have a winter greenhouse, so that's where all my ideas grow into weird experiments lol...)

Edit* we weren't saying that the lighting has NO effect in laying, but messing with the wavelengths and spectrums is what doesn't matter.... They still need LIGHT, just not special fancy light ha-ha ;)

Pps... You KNOW I'm going to go right back to this discussion as soon as he gets up lol... He hates BYC ROFL :p
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