Light Sussex x araucana (I think) Easter egger gender 5/6 weeks??


Mar 30, 2023

Anyone can you tell what this white chick is (is almost 6 weeks old) and I was told it is a light Sussex x araucana (australia with tail).
She looks like a pullet and looks like a pig with that crop.
You can remove the brooder plate perch. It's just taking up space and they don't need it.
Yeah ok- she doesn’t use the brooder plate anymore anyway - but I thought I read they should have heat until around 9 weeks? The other two chicks do still hop under the plate at bedtime. She does love her food!
Yeah ok- she doesn’t use the brooder plate anymore anyway - but I thought I read they should have heat until around 9 weeks? The other two chicks do still hop under the plate at bedtime. She does love her food!
They no longer need heat past 3-4 wo if they are indoors. Chicks that are 5-6 wo are fine outside without supplemental heat as long as they are dry and the temp it isn't dipping below 50F.

Do you give your chicks treats and or grit? Could you post more pictures of her crop?
@SilverBirds it is just dropping below 50F (10C) here at night as winter is coming (Canberra, Aust).

So I have 7 *11 week olds outside in a coop setup, I could put them out with those during the day and bring them inside at night (less the brooder plate as we heat the house anyway?)

Does that seem ok to you? I was a bit worried they would get picked on so I was waiting for them to catch up a bit in size.

I have electricity available near the coop- so I could put the brooder into the coop also.

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