Lighting in the coop


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 17, 2014
Hello I have 3 13 week old chickens and was wanting to know do i need to have light at night. I do know that chickens can see at night, but dont want to have them not be able to get on the perch. Will a window do as well until sun goes down.

They should have a window so the coop gets dark and light naturally. No, they don't need a light at night. You will find as they mature, they will gather on the roost after sunset but before dark.

It can be handy to have a light in there that you can turn on for care when needed, but many people have no power in their coop at all.
OK thanks for the information. I was also curious about fencing since i am new to raising chickens. I live in Vancouver, WA and there isnt alot of predator persay around me. but i wanted to have them run around in the yard more than just the run, is it best to cover the top of the area where i am letting them run with wire as well. thanks

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