Lighting Levels


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
I have heritage breeds where I expect egg production is tied to natural photoperiod. That means they are not supposed to lay until the end of this month to possibly into February if is really cold and dreary. I am also reliant upon the chickens seeing most predators that come into barn, especially Great-horned Owls, as the chickens will then produce alarm calls alerting dogs to problem. A 100-watt incandescent is too bright so I backed off to a 60-watt incandescent which is too bright for pens close to light source. Then a series of heat lamp bulbs were used, but they were old and do not hold up well during winter when turned off and on a lot. I just replaced the 60-watt incandescent with a supposedly similar output LED bulb. Light seems even brighter than the 100-watt. There is something about the spectrum as well that may be perking the birds up; possibly too blue. Is there such a thing as a red LED bulb that can be used?
Amazon is going to be the place with the most wattages and varieties. Lots appear to strive for "full spectrum", so you might need to seek out one that stays on the red side of the spectrum. You could also literally buy a red CFL bulb. We use red and green for Christmas. Not that bright though....might need a few if you go with the CFL red bulbs.



PLANT LED (so going to be brighter)
Here is what goes in tonight.

The (D)iode (E)mits the red (L)ight : LED, Light Emitting Diode...

Color is determined by the material of the conductor, but some LEDs can be mixed programmatically to change colors.
This unit has only the red LED. Those used for most applications are mixed. Spectrum can thus be adjusted. Some fixtures, like those used on aquariums, can allow user to adjust spectrum while fixture is in use.

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