Lily has a another PIP!! and Chick


12 Years
Aug 26, 2007
Longmont, CO
My little blue broody butt Lily (blue Ameracauna) went broody. She's barely laying eggs herself and since I couldn't break her, I let her have some eggs. I closed off her nesting box today and when I lifted her out to see if she'd go potty, (she stayed totally in a sitting postion, even when I put her on the ground) I noticed she's got a pip! I'm so excited for her. Everybody keep your fingers crossed that she will be a good momma
I have 6 little ones in my back room I'd like to give to her to brood if she is.
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Hatched the others from my own girls eggs. It's the first time I've ever hatched my own eggs. Pretty poor hatch rate though, 6 out of 16. Looks like they stopped developing last week some time.

Hope Lily has better luck
Lily has a little chick under her. I couldn't look too closely since it's still cool outside. But it looked kinda black. The daddy is a Blue Amercauna and the mom is either a red or black sexlink. Lily's and her sister Hayden's eggs are still too small to hatch so she just got what I had handy in my hand when I decided to let her have eggs. I'm going to wait until it warms up to have a good look see.

So how long to broody's sit on their chicks before trying to show them the world? I need to get her out of the box before that.
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I just moved her into a huge dog kennel with nesting box and baby and I noticed that she has another pip.

I'm glad I moved her, she's been without water for quite awhile. I've been sneaking her food and moist veggies in her box. Squash and such so whe wouldn't get dehydrated.

I also put food out for her and her chick. I used Flock Raiser since I had that and it's not medicated or have calcium in it. So it's ok for both of them. She's not laying right now anyway. A little extra protien is probably good for her too.

She won't move from the sitting postion. I took her out of the nesting box, sat her in the kennel and she just sat right where I put her. I had to move the eggs and the chick then I put her on the box. It's all so cute to watch. If I knew she'd be this persistant, I would have moved her days ago.

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