Limp duckling leg


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2015
My duckling just hatched over the weekend and I noticed its legs is limp. It is under mamma duck and I can't get in there to get it. Any suggestions on what I can do for the leg and how to get the duckling from mamma?
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It could be any number of things. It could be spraddle leg, it could be a genetic defect, or it could have gotten injured very shortly after hatching. One thing is for sure, it needs help right away if it's going to get better. Are you able to get it to a vet? It'll likely need a splint and possibly some niacin boosters or painkillers if it's broken in any way.
we are not able to get to a vet. I finally got the duckling from mamma.... This is its leg.

This is after the splint. I'm not sure if I did it right.

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