Limping Australorp


5 Years
Aug 9, 2014
I noticed that my 1 year old Australorp was limping this morning. She seemed perfectly fine yesterday. She is able to stand on one of her legs, and it looks like she can still move her other foot, however does not want to put weight on it. For the past few hours she has just been laying in the corner. She has a tendency to get picked on by my dominant hen, who appears to be very healthy. Recently she did go through a 2 month broody period and now has molted so I am wondering if it could be a nutritional deficiency. She has been drinking which is good, and her poop looks normal. Her foot looks ok to my uneducated eye, but here is a picture for reference. Normally I would take her to the vet, but not many vets in Los Angeles are seeing chickens because of the Newcastle outbreak. I appreciate any and all help!


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Welcome to BYC. I would start some vitamin B complex 1/4 tablet daily crushed into some food daily, and force her to rest the leg for a few days. Place ffod and water where she can reach it. A wire dog crate sitting near the other chickens inside the coop would be ideal for her. It sounds like she may have been injured, but others may sense an injury or weakness, and may pick on another chicken in the flock. Watch her to see if she seems to be numb in the bad leg, or if she holds it up. I suppose Mareks disease might be a possibility, but injuries are more common. Keep us up to date on how she is doing tomorrow.
Welcome to BYC. I would start some vitamin B complex 1/4 tablet daily crushed into some food daily, and force her to rest the leg for a few days. Place ffod and water where she can reach it. A wire dog crate sitting near the other chickens inside the coop would be ideal for her. It sounds like she may have been injured, but others may sense an injury or weakness, and may pick on another chicken in the flock. Watch her to see if she seems to be numb in the bad leg, or if she holds it up. I suppose Mareks disease might be a possibility, but injuries are more common. Keep us up to date on how she is doing tomorrow.

Thank you so much! Ran to the store to get b vitamins and now I have her snuggly tucked into the dog crate with food and water. We will see how she is doing tomorrow. To answer your question though she was holding her leg up. Is that a bad sign? Also when she laid down her foot looked a little stiff.


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I think that if she isnholding the leg up, that may be a better sign that her leg is painful or injured. Chickens with Mareks seem to try to put weight on them, and theyseem numb.

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