limping chickens. mystery illness!?

ok so there are small lumps where the feather joins the skin. really the lumps are pretty much just like those on the non red skin, but slightly bigger, maybe a little swollen. and red. but not massively big.
any ideas? the limp seems a bit better today and the diaper cream has perhaps lessened the red a bit. we will re bath her tomorrow since it will be a warmer day than today.
and now one of the girls has staretd a strange yawning thing. mouth open, neck stretched just like she is yawning. over and over.
Is she having trouble breathing or are you sure she is just yawning? I know that in other animals yawning can be a sign of stress but can't be sure about chickens
Sometimes chickens just stretch out and yawn when they are adjusting their crops. However, this is also a symptom of gape worm. If you are unfamiliar with gape worm, search this site, there is a lot of information on here about this. Good luck!
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Having problems breathing as you described with the mouth open is surely a sign of worms. The worms actually get in the throat. Try diatomaceious grade. Just mix small amount in food. Can be purchased at TSC. Diatomaceious is great to keep around. I even get rid of ants with it.

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