Limping Hen

Tia Z.

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
My hen just started limping all of a sudden. I'm not sure what happened, nothing is stuck in her foot, and nothing attacked her. Can she recover? Should I be worried?
You sure she has no cut under her foot? If not it could be a sprain. I would keep an eye on her and if it looks worse bring her in and keep her off the foot. Then you can watch her more closely too.

Good luck!
Funny you should post this...well, not funny, but I noticed one of my girls limping yesterday too. I picked her up and looked her foot over really well but didn't see anything out of the norm.

Be sure that the pad of her foot isn't overly squishy with a hard spot in it. That would signify a possible bumblefoot. Look it up, cause I don't have any experience with it but I'm watching my girl closely for this.
I didn't feel a hard spot, it all felt squishy to me. I didn't notice any swelling either. I washed her foot with some soap and water this morning so hopepfully it wont get infected. I'll keep a watch for the bumblefoot though, thanks for the heads up!
It may be a sprain. I had a hen a couple weeks ago that wouldn't put any weight on one foot. The next day she had a large bruise on the upper part of her leg. We think she got knocked off the perch by one of the other birds. We put her in a cat carrier to restrict her movement. It took almost two weeks for her to start walking normally again, but she went back out with the flock this weekend.
One of my girls started limping after Roo pounced on her to do his thing...d*mn men

If I hadn't seen him do it I wouldn't know why she was limping's was a sprain and after several days she was fine.
Thanks for sharing, aside from having to chase her to wash her foot, I've been trying to help her get around as much as possible. It seems a little better today. She is a hefty bird so I'm guessing it's a sprain, didn't even think that was possible!

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