Limping Rabbit!


Mar 13, 2015
I have a Rex mix rabbit almost a year old who has a limp. Yesterday she jumped out of my hands into her cage and was fine, but today afternoon I notice she has a limp on her front left leg. What do I do? I know how to wrap like a splint but will that's help? She doesn't put presser on that leg and doesn't like it when I examine it! Please help! I already had a rabbit die yesterday and don't want another gone!
You can try to align the bones (if it's broke) and get plaster cloth from hobby lobby, Michaels, or other craft store and put a cast on it. Might check to see if she ripped the nail off or her toes or if she is missing a toe because an animal got under the cage and ripped the digit off. If that is the case nothing much you can do save putting traps under the cage in hopes of catching the guilty party.

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