Limpy Gimpy Pekins


7 Years
Jul 22, 2012
I have 3 pekins about 4 years old. My first trip to the vet cost me $700 to repair a suspected racoon bite to my Pekin's foot--visits, xrays, bandages, and medication.

I have a second Pekin that gets around ok, but she just started limping about 4 months ago, having no visible signs of an injury or infection (no trip to the vet).

My 3rd duck is so lame, she only travels when she has to. I really watch out for her by putting her in the pool , taking her out, and setting her close by food and water during the day (she is in a pen at night). All of the ducks appear healthy with no visible infections or signs of pain (but then how would i know if they are in pain).

Do pekins tend to have foot issues? Arthritus issues? If so, is it because they are a heavier duck?
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Their food is a mix of Nutrena gamebird pellets and Layena egg laying pellets (as one hen is still laying). They also get extra calcium and B supplements. The majority of the day, they forage our clover yard for bugs and greens.

They forage on 3/4 acres of clover; back 1/2 area dries out in summer & front 1/2 keept green.

Weight...They are free foragers and are supplemented with 2 feedings a day. Not sure what they weigh (or how much they should).
I will investigate this and, if they are overweight, put them in their pens a few hours to decrease their in-take. This may reduce the weight, ease the leg pressure, and limping.

Thanks for the feed back. I bet it is there weight!
Swim time makes a tremendous difference in a number of cases of lameness.

You could also try just a couple of treatments of Epsom salts compresses, just to see if there is any improvement. It is said to reduce inflammation. I know it helps me.

Es is a laxative, so don't just put it in their water, they will drink it.
My duck was limping and I could tell she was in pain be cause she made a whining sound sometimes just like a crying dog makes. It was so sad it broke my heart, she didn't make the sound all the time though.

I had to sort of put my pekin on a diet when we changed her food to flock raiser. She couldn't get enough of it, she kept going back to the pen all day to eat. Someone just kept filling up her food bowl to. On Metzer website they tell you how much a duck should eat. I gave her a little extra so it averages out to a cup. I didnt refill her bowl during the day she had to forage for food. She has gotten over it now though and has a little food left over from the cup to snack on during the day if she wants to. Here is the link

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