Lining the Bottom of the Nest Box ???


5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
Central Oregon
Now that the weather is turning towards winter I'm wondering if the nesting boxes won't seem as "appealing" to my girls. They are Rubbermaid tubs with lots of pine wood shavings. But I hear them scratching away every day to find that "just right spot" and most times the egg is right on the bottom of the plastic bottom. In the winter that's gonna be COLD!

Are there "liners" or whatever that I can put in the very bottom with the shavings on top? What to do, what to do!!

Anyone got ideas and what works good for them?
Some people use that rubbery shelf lining material that comes in rolls with the shelf paper. Idon't know how much insulation it would rovide, of course, but at least it shouldn't gt scratched away. Simple enough to rinse and replace, too.
Some people use that rubbery shelf lining material that comes in rolls with the shelf paper. Idon't know how much insulation it would rovide, of course, but at least it shouldn't gt scratched away. Simple enough to rinse and replace, too.
I thought about that stuff, too, @Judy but I'm thinking that they scratch the bottom so hard that it'll just get bunched up, etc. Hmmmmm, got to keep thinking .....
Now that the weather is turning towards winter I'm wondering if the nesting boxes won't seem as "appealing" to my girls. They are Rubbermaid tubs with lots of pine wood shavings. But I hear them scratching away every day to find that "just right spot" and most times the egg is right on the bottom of the plastic bottom. In the winter that's gonna be COLD! Are there "liners" or whatever that I can put in the very bottom with the shavings on top? What to do, what to do!! :idunno Anyone got ideas and what works good for them? :frow
I know some people that use rubber rug/floor mat that is decently heavy that cut to fit probably wouldn't get scratched away very easily
I know some people that use rubber rug/floor mat that is decently heavy that cut to fit probably wouldn't get scratched away very easily
Rubber rug/floor mats? Is that stuff thicker/stronger than the Rubbermaid shelf liner stuff? Sounds like I should look into that...thanks!
Not sure how thick the shelf liner stuff is but I know you can get like car floor mats that are pretty solid and could withstand a lot of wear and tear
Not sure how thick the shelf liner stuff is but I know you can get like car floor mats that are pretty solid and could withstand a lot of wear and tear
Now...THAT....sounds like a great idea!! Thanks @gardengirl4288 !!

I use clean sand with DE mixed in and put straw on top.
Eek! Sorry, I don't use DE on anything anywhere around the coop/run.
No need to apologize. Why not? Been reading bad things about using DE? The chickens don't eat it and it keeps the sand dry. Very big debate about the uses of DE.

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