Link to telling sex of Rhode Island Red Rooster and Hens

It will be good to see your new pix, Staceymw. By now you should be seeing a difference in the hackles and tail feathers. The cockerels will be darker and almost black in the tail feathers. They will also glisten almost "iridescent." I have nine new 2 1/2 week olds that were hatched by a broody hen. At first I would have told you they were 2 pullets and 7 cockerels, but as they get older it's looking more and more like 4 and 5 respectively.

I already have two full grown roos, so I have no use for more of them. I'll prob try to sell or give away on Craig's List.

Oh, and you're right of course. Hens will not develop saddle feathers.

It will be good to see your new pix, Staceymw. By now you should be seeing a difference in the hackles and tail feathers. The cockerels will be darker and almost black in the tail feathers. They will also glisten almost "iridescent." I have nine new 2 1/2 week olds that were hatched by a broody hen. At first I would have told you they were 2 pullets and 7 cockerels, but as they get older it's looking more and more like 4 and 5 respectively.

I already have two full grown roos, so I have no use for more of them. I'll prob try to sell or give away on Craig's List.

Oh, and you're right of course. Hens will not develop saddle feathers.


Roo 1



Roo 2



Roo 3



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