List of Breed abbreviations


9 Years
Aug 3, 2010
The Naugatuck Valley
Is there a list of the breed abbreviations that everyone uses? If not, can we start one on this thread?

(edited to add the list to the first post - thanks everyone for contributing!)

Ams: Ameraucanas
BA- Black Australorp
BB=Buff Brahma
BBR=Black Breasted Red
BCM - Black Copper Marans
BF=Bantam Fowl
BfAms: Buff Ameraucana
BlAms: Blue Ameraucanas
BkAms: Black Ameraucanas
BLRW=Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
BO= Buff Orpington
BR- Barred Rock
BRAms:Brown Red Ameraucanas
BSL - Black Sex Link
BSM=Blue Splash Marans
BTB=Black tailed buff (usually Japanese bantams)
BTW=Black tailed white (usually Japanese bantams)
BWA: Blue Wheaten Ameraucana
CM-Cukoo Marans
CW-Columbian Wyandotte
Cx - Cornish Cross
DB=Dark Brahma
DBH- Delaware Blue hen
EE = Easter Egger
FBCM=French Black Copper Marans
GDW=Golden Duck Wing
GLW=Gold laced Wyandotte
GPH=Gold Penciled Hamburg
GSL=Gold Sex Link
JG=Jersey Giant
LB-Light Brahma
LF=Large Fowl
NHR=New Hampshire Red
OEE=Olive Easter Egger
OE-Old English
OEG=Old English game (usually standards).
OEGB - Old English Game Bird
RIR=Rhode Island Red
RSL=Red Sex Link
SDW=Silver Duck Wing
SF- Salmon Faverolle
SlAms: Silver Ameraucanas
SLW=Silver Laced Wyandotte
SpAms: Splash Ameraucanas
SPPR - Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock
SS- Speckled Sussex
SSH=Silver Spangled Hamburg
WAms: White Ameraucanas
WCBP-White Crested Black Polish
WCP=White crested polish
WhA: Wheaten Ameraucana
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HMM let me see if I can help a little

RIR=rhode island red
BO= buff orpington
SLW=silver laced wyandotte
BLRW=blue laced red wyandotte
GLW=Glod laced Wyandotte

next volunteer??? :)
EE = Easter Egger

BCM - Black Copper Maran
OEGM - Old English Game Bird
SPPR - Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock
Cx - Cornish Cross

Umm.. next? hehe
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Is there one for a Delaware?

Our of my flock, the Delawares are the largest (except for my EE Roo) and they are very friendly.The only problem I have with them is I can not tell them apart
I had to name them Thing 1 and thing 2, so they wouldnt get mad at me for calling them by the wrong name hehe
SSH=Silver Spangled Hamburg
BSM=Blue Splash Marans
BO=Buff Orpington

Tina, are you going to alphabetize these and add them to your original post?! <hint, hint>
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OE=Olive Egger
JG=Jersey Giant
NHR=New Hampshire Red

For a while I thought OEGB was Olive Egger Giant Bird! Ha ha ha. Maybe you could paste everyone's answers on the first page for quick reference!

Edited to add NHR.
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