List of fresh egg prices around the country?

in my opinion thats there own fault if they cant store them or cook them right. all i know is that the eggs i sell are fresh when they buy them from me and what they do with them after there out of my hands is there problem.
I sell to my wifes co-workers for $3 / doz. and give the neighbors free eggs, they have to put up with my crazy rooster crowing

I tell everyone that I sell to how to handle them.
Average where I live in Central NC is around $2.00/2.50. I have seen local eggs for as high as $4.00 a dozen in the local mom & pops stores though
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I get $2 a doz. I could get more but I just want to make enough to help with the cost of feed. I don't have enough to run a business.

I have a friend who isn't able to satisfy her customers demands right now so she's asked me to make some sales. For those of you that
do have regular paying customers, how do you keep them happy when egg production is down?
This is our first year with Silkie Chickens. We sell ours for $1.00 a dozen and they provide
the cartons. Our Chickens lay more than we can use. I take them to the office and all are
happy to have them.
i cant promise my customers when the hens arent laying. i put the soldout sign up at the end of the road so they know im out of eggs. i have had a slow october - december with my hens only laying about 2 to 3 dozen a week. i hope it picks up soon. i have 5 pullets that should start laying soon so that should help some.
I have only three steady customers and they don't buy them often, I have one who buys them 5 doz at a time. I save for him to have enough. His DW is a vegetarian. I do have a light in the coop so I do get enough. Sometimes I give them away.

As for the legal end, does anyone know of anyone who has been sued? I suppose if you keep your birds clean and happy you shouldn't need to worry. The outbreak of Sal mineo was due to uncleanliness at the farms and they had been sited before.

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