Listless on and off for a month


9 Years
Nov 30, 2013
My awesome, strong, top-of-the-flock Australorp, Matilda, has been listless on and off for a month and the last few days she seems worse. About a month ago she was not eating much and very sedate for two days. I vet I know came by and said she feels/looks ok. She took a poop sample (it looked ok then) and she said the tests showed nothing unusual. Matilda got better but has had this listlessness return a few times, and has not laid eggs the whole month. When she is like this she stands facing the fence, under a bush, mostly, and sometimes sits. She has a poopy dirty rear and I have cleaned some runny poo from the coop bedding. Yesterday her tail was down and she faced the fence all day, not eating or drinking. Today same thing. I gave her thin layer mash in warm water and some yogurt, both from a dropper. That went well. When I put her down she went back to the fence and pooped green diarrhea with a white cap right away.

Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Reproductive problems such as internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis are very common in hens. It is good that your vet tested for worms and coccidiosis to rule those out. Has she been laying eggs recently? Has she lost weight when you pick her up? Can you feel of her crop to see if it is empty, slightly full, hard, or puffy? In the early mornings before eating, it should be flat and not felt. An impacted or sour crop can make them sick. I would keep feeding the runny mash, and yogurt, and try some electrolytes with vitamins in her water for a couple of days. It might be good to place her in a crate with the food and water, to keep an eye on how much she is taking in and putting out in droppings. Here is some reading about egg peritonitis and crop problems:
Thanks for the links. I have no experience with feeling crops but there is nothing special there nor was there yesterday... seems normal to me. She hasn't laid for a month. I gave her the runny mash again with a dropper and some yogurt. I don't live near a feed store that would have electrolytes. Can you give them something from the human health food store? Thank you.

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