Litter and Leaves

my run is approx. 180 sq. ft. and for the last 10 years I have used leaves and grass clipping. I have found that if you toss some scratch in the leave that the birds will spend there time hunting for food than they will picking at each other. It also builds up heat as it composts in the winter (I'm in SE Texas so it doesn't get that cold) and keeps the birds more comfortable. Lastly, it gets chopped up really well so when I transfer it (when it gets to be about 1 foot deep) to the compost bins it doesn't take long before it is ready for the garden.
I bagged up dry oak and maple leaves last fall and used them along with straw in my coop through the winter. It worked fine. I had to clean it out two times, once in january and again last week.
The hens did a good job of shredding the leaves.
I use oak leaves in my pen. The chickens scratch around in it all day and mix it up for me. I throw some scratch on the leaves in the morning and they dig around mixing the leaves.

Someone recently told me that oak leaves keeps disease away, now whether that is true or not I don't know, but it is an interesting thought.

It has also rained a lot here and some of the leaves have gotten wet, I have had no problems with mold etc. because the chickens are constantly stirring everything in.

Along with the leaves i added a bag of pine shavings to help with any needed absorption. But, the leaves seem to work well for me.
ohh another use for all those oak leaves i was using them in my wood stove but if the chickens will like playing in them all the better for me.
now if i can find another use for the many poounds of pine needles ill be doing good

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