I can't tell.
Are they ants?

I don’t think so but idk. They’re like flattish.

What ever they are Permethrin should kill them.

Thanks! I’ll have to get some of that stuff. I think I have some of the shaker stuff but spray would probably be better?

Go check your birds now and see if they are crawling on the birds too.

Okay, I’ll go pull one off the roost and check.

They still look like weevils to me from chicken feed. I had something similar in my kitchen and the dogs ate them all :lau they came out of my scratch bag, That's why I don't buy it anymore :D

Has the weather been unusually warm where you are because usually bugs aren't around in winter in New England

I have bought new food recently but I’ve been keeping it inside instead of near the coop. I did get a new 30 pound feeder a couple weeks ago so I wonder if that could have had something on it or in the feed? But I used the same feed on the chicks and they don’t have any bugs in their pen so :confused:

I did buy scratch a couple months ago but haven’t been feeding it often and the bugs only recently appeared maybe a couple weeks ago and only just exploded.

And yeah today was like 50. But yesterday was below freezing all day so :confused:
Need a better picture but the only insect that does gives that kind of coverage on those types of surfaces here are flying ants.
They cascade out of small holes in the ground. They come out of the holes with wings on.
After a few hours the wings dry out and fall off. They don't bite, don't live on chickens or in coops and here the chickens love eating them.
There was a thread here about a year ago about bugs like this. They did not wind up being dangerous but I do not remember what they were.

The pictures posted are not good enough to do a google image search. I will check to see if I can find bugs like this native to Massachusetts.
Mites live in the cold but these don't quite look like mites, I could be wrong.

Yeah that’s why I’m so confused because they don’t really look like mites but they don’t really look like fleas but they jump really well so :confused:

The middle two pictures on the left you can see them well if you zoom in.

I think mites are a lot smaller than this aren't they

They look smaller in person. They look bigger here.

I don’t think so but idk. :confused:
Need a better picture but the only insect that does gives that kind of coverage on those types of surfaces here are flying ants.
They cascade out of small holes in the ground. They come out of the holes with wings on.
After a few hours the wings dry out and fall off. They don't bite, don't live on chickens or in coops and here the chickens love eating them.

Yeah, sorry the pics aren’t the best. :oops:

I’ll try to get better ones tomorrow. But I think if you zoom in on the middle two pics on the left side you should hopefully be able to see them a little better but I’ll to get better pics too. It’s dark now so won’t be able to until tomorrow but they don’t seem to be bothering the chickens.
There was a thread here about a year ago about bugs like this. They did not wind up being dangerous but I do not remember what they were.

The pictures posted are not good enough to do a google image search. I will check to see if I can find bugs like this native to Massachusetts.

That’s good to know they aren’t dangerous! If it’s the same one. They don’t seem to be bothering the chickens and mostly seem to be outside the coop rather than inside so :confused:

I’ll try to get better pictures but the two middle ones on the left should be able to be zoomed in some and I’ll try to get better ones too. But they don’t really look like any bug I’ve ever seen yet don’t seem to be bothering the chickens so I’m at a loss.

I thought maybe fleas since they do jump but they really don’t look like fleas so I have no idea.
Yeah, sorry the pics aren’t the best. :oops:

I’ll try to get better ones tomorrow. But I think if you zoom in on the middle two pics on the left side you should hopefully be able to see them a little better but I’ll to get better pics too. It’s dark now so won’t be able to until tomorrow but they don’t seem to be bothering the chickens.
Go look on a chicken or two with your phone flashlight.
I think they are mites.
Just spray the crap outta them, the coop... everything ASAP.

Yeah, that’s probably what they are but they oddly don’t seem to be inside the coop, only outside so :confused:

But I will definitely spray them!!

Is it safe to put the powdered permethrin inside the coop???

I think I will do a full coop clean out and spray everything tomorrow. Maybe also throw out/move a bunch of stuff and see if that helps.

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