Little Giant Hatch Along

The LG thermometers are worse than worthless. I took them out and went with my digital therm/hygrometer. Had a great hatch rate for shipped eggs. I trusted the digital because it's readings agreed with how the eggs felt, if you know what I mean.
I had a broody last summer, and when I pulled her off once a day to eat I would reach in once in a while and feel the eggs. They felt pleasantly warm. My LG therms were reading 3 degrees higher than the digital, but when they said the temp was perfect the eggs didn't feel warm enough to me. So I went with the digital and had a 66% hatch rate, my first time, with shipped eggs, in a universally excoriated incubator.
So today is day 7, I have candled all but 6 of my 25 or so eggs...I only had 1 blood ring so far, and 1 total clear egg. I had 2 with definite MOVEMENT
and the rest had veining but i had a hard time finding a moving embryo....Is that ok at this stage in the game? Or should I consider those most likely are not developing? I was thrilled to see the 2 moving, but id be even more thrilled to know the others have a chance too! Thanks for any input!
I agree. I wasted 82 eggs, a LOT of patience, and 6 weeks before I realized that my thermometer was junk. But the one that came with the turner works great.
I like the tube thermometers best I know you cant see them in my picture but they are in there i have 2 in each incubator ( fish aquarium thermometers )

I have had the best hatch rates with them.
How often do you add 6 ..LG/egg turner/fan....stable temps from day l....99.5 Humidity 38-40...started with water filled troughs...added on day 4 (1/2 cup water but a lot spilled out, cannot see trough..will take an egg out next time IF I have to addwater..) so my question is ..temps stable do I have to add water....? Help No red plugs in EVER
OMG- Can I please Join? I set 26 eggs on 3/31 and I am not getting the greatest reaction to using a LG still air and its becoming very discouraing and I am only on day 3 :-(


I have lots of temp issues but thankfully I work from home and I get to watch my incubator like a crazy hawk!!! I have 5 thremomters but have got down to using 2 of the most reliable. One that came with the turner, not the incubator. And a digital accubrite with the sensor dropped down the red vent plug. I have very, very exspensive eggs inside so I am worrying myself to death esp with all the bad comments/reviews I have been told or read on this forum.

I am hatching Welssumers, Americauna and Black and Blue copper marans.
Also I am trying to do a dry incubation. I put a small amount of water in the center ring but not the other two before I read about dry incubation a few hours later. I have not added any water since and there seems to be some inside. My humidity is a steady 35-37% every day. Thats okay right? How low can my humidity be before I add more water? I think I read below 30. So I will leave it alone for now which is great because then I never have to open the incubator. I will likely not candle until day 7-10 because I have dark eggs. I assume once I go into lockdown I will put the two red plugs back in and put more water in and just hope in increases to 60%.

Also....The humidity in my room is a constant 50-55% and I think I read that if you have a steady 50-55% you may never need to add water till lock down. Any advice or reassurance on what I have read? My temps are at 101 right now.
Hey there everyone, my first time on the LG hatch along. I have used an LG for 2 seasons now and absolutely love it. I also have a Hovababor and a sportsman cabinet. The LG works great with a turner for my pheasant and Guinea eggs. I currently am using it with the turner for Bantam eggs. I have already hatched 50 different breeds of bantams with it. I always tell people who knock the styrofoam bators that what doesn't work for one person may work great for another. For me, they all seem to work very well.
When I add water I take the turner and eggs out, about every week or so.

I never take the egg turner out.....I use a measuring cup with a pointy spout and pour it in at the side. I am not so worrind about humidity right now...not until lockdown and then I will put in sponges and papertowels

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