Little Giant Incubator Tricks

I am using an LG lent to me by a friend for the first time incubating anything. We just candled the chicken eggs for the first time, and every single egg is developing!

I know a lot can go wrong in the next two weeks, but I wanted to thank those of you who started and have continued this thread. Rather than hearing all about how the LG sucks, successful hatchers are sharing with those of us new to this aspect of chickens keeping.

So THANK YOU! I attribute my success so far and ability to troubleshoot (and I've had to!) to the friendly, helpful advice found here. :)
I calaberiated (however you spell it) my thermometer. And it read 37.5 when I did the ice test. So that means it's 5° off so if I calculated right and I should have by incubator set at 99.5 then I should really set it at 104.5 since my Therm. Is 5° off RIGHT? This is my first time hatching babies. I just don't want to set it wrong and them die.
I calaberiated (however you spell it) my thermometer. And it read 37.5 when I did the ice test. So that means it's 5° off so if I calculated right and I should have by incubator set at 99.5 then I should really set it at 104.5 since my Therm. Is 5° off RIGHT? This is my first time hatching babies. I just don't want to set it wrong and them die.
To be on the cautious side I would not set the incubator any higher than 101º F. Even if the temperature is a little low the chicks would hatch a day or two late. Maybe try another thermometer first to check. If both agree then, if I were in your shoes, I would be more comfortable setting the temperature over 101º F. Just my opinion. Good luck and have fun...
I am using an LG lent to me by a friend for the first time incubating anything. We just candled the chicken eggs for the first time, and every single egg is developing!

I know a lot can go wrong in the next two weeks, but I wanted to thank those of you who started and have continued this thread. Rather than hearing all about how the LG sucks, successful hatchers are sharing with those of us new to this aspect of chickens keeping.

So THANK YOU! I attribute my success so far and ability to troubleshoot (and I've had to!) to the friendly, helpful advice found here.

If you can have a successful hatch in an LG you can hatch in anything. Lg's are a little more sensitive.
Cmom thanks for your reply. Actually I haven't set it over 101 just bc I wasn't being cautious so funny you said that. My next problem is that my humidity was going from 40-80%and I took almost all the water put except a tiny tiny bit and it still did it so I put it in the closet with the dope cracked to see if that would that Okay? Right now humidity is around 40%
Cmom thanks for your reply. Actually I haven't set it over 101 just bc I wasn't being cautious so funny you said that. My next problem is that my humidity was going from 40-80%and I took almost all the water put except a tiny tiny bit and it still did it so I put it in the closet with the dope cracked to see if that would that Okay? Right now humidity is around 40%
Also wanted to say

You humidity is good right now. Is your incubator a circulated air or a still air? I keep my humidity around 40% right now because of our weather. I usually have it somewhere around 35% / 40%. I just candled my eggs when I set them for hatching and to my surprise I had very few blanks. Good luck and have fun...
Just had an 'epiphany' reading this thread, my incubator is sitting on top of a 5 gallon bucket, and the thought just occured to me to fill that bucket with water, which will help a lot with humidity here in super dry CA (10% humidity common). Might help my lousy 10% hatch rate since moving to this dry place. :)

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