Little Giant Incubator Tricks

Quote: Learned something new-- covering the windows with towels to up the temps. Yeah.

Was it hard to replace with the LG fan?? Where does it fit-- in the usuall spot beside the electronics in the lid??

It was pretty simple to replace. It fits in the usual spot next to the thermostat. I think the temperature is more stable. I don't notice as much fluctuation, but I don't really incubate in them. I mostly use them as hatchers.
No pictures at the moment. I placed a 40W light bulb and it is about 8-10inches away from the thermostat. Here is a picture of the light/thermostat set up and also, while I was in there, took a picture of the LG propped up by a book as I turned them earlier.

The PVC tray is the egg turner that I assembled so that I will be able to turn the eggs without opening the lid so many times. I have plenty of vent holes and a way to add water for humidity purposes as well.

I just rotate the book side to side at least 3 times per day. Its a pretty thick book, as I am a nursing student!
The thermostat is to far away from the bulb. It should be no more than 2 inches and 1 inch is better. On a water heater the temp difference is normally +/- 6 degrees. To make it cycle quicker the thermostat needs to be much closer to the bulb (heat source).
Thanks! I had it right next to the thermostat at first but then thought that it might be too close so I moved it! I will move it back and see how it works for me.

Again, Thanks!
This was my original setup using a dimmer switch. I replaced a wafer thermostat in my cabinet incubator with an electronic thermostat and modified my coolerbator by taking out the dimmer switch and putting in the wafer thermostat. I have had many successful hatches in it.

This is the new configuration. I put two 15 watt bulbs in. I put the two bulbs in in case one should burn out and it has happened. The temperature still held but the light stayed on longer when one was burned out.

I put foil in the bottom for easy cleanup. I put the added sponges in to kick up the humidity and the pan in the bottom with the sponge works well.
Looks as though I will be adjusting the coolerbator tomorrow and maybe I can get it setup for test run before I place eggs in it! Thanks a bunch for the pics as they provide a great example. I also like the picture that I saw, and I believe it was yours, the shelving brooder! What are the red trays?
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Looks as though I will be adjusting the coolerbator tomorrow and maybe I can get it setup for test run before I place eggs in it! Thanks a bunch for the pics as they provide a great example. I also like the picture that I saw, and I believe it was yours, the shelving brooder! What are the red trays?
Good idea to do a test run. For a test run you can put bottles of water in and let it run over night and see how stable the temperature is to simulate eggs. It's always good to put something in it for a test run to see how stable the temperature stays.

The red trays are poop collectors. I put pine shaving in them and the chicks poop goes through the wire into the trays so they aren't in their poop and I take the trays out and dump the shaving and poop into a garbage can and when the can is full enough I add it to my compost. Good luck and have fun...
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I really like the idea of the brooder you built and that is now on the list of projects for this week!

I added another light to the coolerbator directly next to the thermostat and so far all is well. It is turning on/off as it should now, so now is just the minor adjustments to the on/off temp! So far so good. When I initially plugged it in this morning it was cutting on at 97 off at 99, so I just made an adjustment so its a waiting game to see cut on temp. Just cut off at 100! Wish me luck and thanks so much for the tips! It has greatly helped!
I really like the idea of the brooder you built and that is now on the list of projects for this week!

I added another light to the coolerbator directly next to the thermostat and so far all is well. It is turning on/off as it should now, so now is just the minor adjustments to the on/off temp! So far so good. When I initially plugged it in this morning it was cutting on at 97 off at 99, so I just made an adjustment so its a waiting game to see cut on temp. Just cut off at 100! Wish me luck and thanks so much for the tips! It has greatly helped!

Do you have a fan in your coolerbator? If not you may want the cut off at 101. Usually still air incubators can run a little warmer than circulated air. I usually incubate at around 100 but I did install a fan in my coolerbator. Again good luck and have fun...
The intention is to place a fan so I want to get it dialed in for the temp in which it should be with the fan. Its still a series of tinkering here and there but its all in the name of learning so I am excited!

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