Little Giant Incubators


9 Years
Mar 5, 2010
Ok im new to incubating quail eggs so i just have some questions about incubating.
I will be using a little giant incubator still-air whats the best way to make humidity?
If the humidity is not high enough during incubation is it true that the chicks will come out weak or even die?

If you have any other recommendation on incubating quail eggs please feel free to share.
Im incubating coturnix quail eggs.

Go to the "Incubating and Hatching Eggs" board, and you can prolly get answers to just about any question you have just by drilling through the first 5 pages...........and there's over 1000 pages of threads!! Not trying to deter you away from the quail board, but if you're like me, you might find yourself past your bedtime (having missed supper!!), and still readin'...
Massive info on that board concerning anything to do with LGs.......and all other store bought as well as homemade incubators........and all issues a person may have with them......

However, there's some very helpful folks on this board also ...
The best way to add humidity would be to add water to buy a hydrometer, then add water to the troughs at the bottom of the cage. Then, if it is still low (and you can add another for the last 3 days) you can roll up a washcloth into a cylinder, dunk it in water, then stick it into the bator.

I would also add a small fan, like a CPU fan, to the LG because they are infamous for weird temp swings without them.

And yes, it is true that if the humidity is off, they will not hatch, they will drown, they will be shrink wrapped, or they will hurt themselves.

Hope this helps!
LG Incubators do a decent job the only complaint i have is that they do not have enough water surface area in their design. as this directly affects humidity ranges and humidity is the most crucial part of incubating gamebird eggs this is a design flaw that gamebird enthusiasts will take note of quickly. Their themostat design and control functions are good! I dont care much for the low side walls on the bottom halk of the incubator as it allows chicks to get out and or fall over the edge when they hatch and you open the bator to retreive them... but thats more of a creature comfort thing...

humidity, as mentioned, is crucial.... Its not so so that they will hatch weak and die as it is that they just wont hatch...

The easy fix here(aside form using a defferent design..) is to use wetdown materials to boost the humidity. Humidity is dependant on SURFACE CONTACT AREA--- NOT DEPTH OR VOLUME OF WATER. So i have found that a dish sponge, a trauma dressing, even femine napkins or disposeable diapers work well for this. simple wet them down with warm water and toss them into the bator. Obviously they need colse observation to ensure they do not dry out during the course of the incubation... usually if you fill all water trays in the LG it will achieve a decent incubation humidity but almost always falls short of lockdown/ hatching humidity.

hope this helps...
ha ha-- just rechecked this string tonight--- jeez guys i seroiusly appologize for my lack of typing ability!
I can spell, really i can! BUt i cant type worth a hoot! Sorry about that
When you are setting up the incubator, fold two washcloths and put them under the wire screen. When it's time for lockdown soak the washcloths. This will bring the humidity up to hatching levels.
You know...........when I was reading the post you are talking about, I started wondering if you had gotten some pancake syrup on your fingers or somethin' while typing........cause you normally use excellent grammer and puncutation............but DedGum...........that post?..............LOL ..........

And I thought I was the only one that went back over my posts to see how much sense I "didn't" make........
The wash cloths are a great idea. I use them in my hatcher to bump up the humidity. I really like the LG bators I have but I added a fan to each one before I fired them up.

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