Little hole in ducks foot...

hole punching sounds horrible, i couldnt imagine doing that to one of my babies!

i saw this ladies ducks a while back, one of them had completely cut the web from one of its just kind of rolled up towards the middle toe. it had to have stepped on something, her place was a disaster

i would have bought them all if i could have, they were way underfed too, only 2 handfuls a day... forraging kinda loses its point when you have over 50 ducks on a small piece of land
Bleenie~ I didn't punch holes in her feet and she didn't have them when she was little. I just wanted to make sure you understood.
They are just two very tiny holes that I noticed she had today so they are recent.
yeah, i understood, i was referring to what duck keeper said about the hole punching... *cringe*

i had a hard enough time docking my rotty's pups tails, but at leats i know their nerves arent that good right after they come out. couldnt imaging punching a hole in all those little veins, i mean, they HAVE to walk on their feet.
My ducklings have this problem, too. I got them when they were a little less than two weeks old, and they already had holes in their feet. Not intentional holes, but small pinholes. They were never bloody or scabbed, just holes! They are now about ten weeks old I'm guessing, and the holes are still there, just a bit bigger. Is niacin the answer? I am so confused, and worried!

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