Little miniature adult silkies...cutest pics!!

Heyy Do you know anyone named Jeanne Wilson? What is your name oldtimegator?? You might know her! She moved to gainsville from Louisiana. You probably dont because I know Gainsville is big!
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Those are such precious cutie-babies!

Your chicks have feathered out very nicely at 7 weeks. What are you feeding them?
It must be something with a higher protein %.
They are just too cute

Brenda in PA
They get chick starter because I have all ages of juveniles in this grow-out pen from 4 weeks to 12 weeks. I use Manna Pro and they also get human food treats. Their favorite is the pulp of everything we put through our juicer!! Beets, carrots, celery, broccoli, apples, pomegranate, peaches, pears, etc.

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