Little Orley won't stop crying!!

Well, it's been a few days...
If anyone's interested, orley is about the same. Yesterday I investigated her throat and saw a yellow, hard looking mass (it looked like caseous exudate from the pictures I've seen) close to her larynx.
Today, however, it's gone... Good news I guess? I swabbed her throat wih a therapeutic respiratory mixture (I can give the ingredients if anyone is interested) and cleaned out her nares. I'm holding off on treating the flock for mites as they're still having so much trouble with their breathing... I dunno if that's a good idea. Some of the others seem to be worse, but at least theyre not on the verge of death.
The swabbing seemed to help some of them. We'll see tomorrow.... :(
Sound like what I am dealing with.

I have used oxine with minimal results, then I started using ACV in their water, that helped more but it wasn't solving the problem. One hen did die, it just got too difficult for her to breathe. They had lots of mucus they would cough up. It was always clear. I took them off the ACV and the rattles in their breathing started again. So, I have a heated water tank for them and I put a few drops of oil of oregano in the trough part. That was two days ago and their is a noticeable difference in their breathing already. The coop smells like the oil, so I think breathing it and consuming a tiny bit is helping. Will see how they are doing in a couple of days.

I have two different kinds of chickens and it is only one breed that is affected, the other is fine. I sacrificed two roosters for a necropsy and nothing positive showed up, only signs of Infectious Bronchitis. The vet did not want to use antibiotics because he did not think it would solve the problem.

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