Live treats for chickens.

We just moved here to Tennessee 5 months ago.
So today, at the construction site of our new home, hubby and I were inside the woodshop eating a sandwich, and he says "are those ladybugs crawling around"?
I looked, and sure enough, there were hundreds of them flying and crawling around on the walls of our shop/RV garage.
I googled swarming ladybugs.
Learned that they swarm this time of year, and this year in particular in Tennessee, there's a lot more than usual.

Now if only the coop was built and I had my chickens.
They'd be feasting on early thanksgiving ladybugs.:lau
My Girls go CRAZY for dried mealworms, they were afraid of the LIVE crickets I bought for them at the pet store...:he "Egwish" dried mealworms from Amazon are the best!

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