Living in a town that doesn't allow chickens but everyone has them. : )


6 Years
May 9, 2013
Well, I live in a town that has a" no chickens within city limits" ordinance, but there are a lot of people in town that have chickens. I see them running unpenned all over town and some flocks penned up in runs and can hear roosters crowing most mornings when I have my windows open. I looked up the city bylaws on livestock in city limits but the website is so old it hasn't been updated in a year or 2. After talking to a friend of ours who has 300 (yes,300) chickens in his 2 maybe 3 acre yard within city limits, my husband told me the city allows up to 6 chickens per household. We just got a flock of 6 chickens. We live in the busness district in the downtown. Technically there are no "dwellings" anywhere near us since we are surrounded by offices and stores with no permanent residents living there since none of the people owning them and working there are actually residents of the city since they all live outside city limits. The owners of the store directly next to us love our chickens and come out everyday to feed our girls apple peels and other treats. We may be pushing our limits in the fact that City Hall is only 2 blocks away from us....LOL!!. It will be interesting to see how long we can keep these chickies and what will happen if anyone says anything since the police aren't enforcing the chicken law anywhere in town. Thankfully we can move the flock to my father-in-laws if we have to get them out of town.
Awesome. Majority rules!

Welcome to BYC

your board title
and 2 blocks hehe - I'm curious too.


Gooooood luck!!!
Ty for the welcome Chicken Obsessed. : ) Well, seems one of our chickens is a rooster. My husband heard one of them "trying" to crow this morning when he was leaving for work. They are only a few months old so new to the crowing Hope none of the city aldermen hear it.
I think we have 2 roosters, 1 EE who is beautiful and a scrawny all black Polish (might be a Creveceour). Havn't confirmed the polish is a rooster yet, but "it" has a teeny bit of red where the wattles are supposed to come in and 2 red bumps appearing under his crest. Odd looking bird.

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