lizards, turtles, and snakes OH MY pics


9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
Southeast MO
I have had a very busy day today.
This morning I found a lil baby Milk snake (very rare around here) on our front porch; this lil guy was so beautiful and tame.


Then after lunch I found an adult Five-lined Skink (I’m almost positive) when my dad and I were moving dirt for my new chicken house
that was one fat Skink.


After dinner I heard Evie (one of my dogs) barking at something, I went out to find her playing with a lil baby Snapping turtle on the drive way, he was so small and cute.


Now we have always had tons of critters around here (we are way back in the sticks after all) but seems like they are crawling out of the wood work around here lately, must be b/c of the cooler weather we have been having recently.
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We once hatched snapping turtle eggs. We had found the eggs in a dirt pile behind our house and we put them in an old sled and covered them in sand. They ended up hatching and we got like 18 baby snappers. We released them in a pond behind our house. It was really neat.

Every September we will find some baby snappers in the road, some turn out to be road kill but we try our best to rescue them and release them in the pond.
Really awesome pics!!!

I remember when I lived on Long Island, my last place was in Franklin Square. I was born in Queens, lived there until just before 6th grade, then spent the rest of my time in Nassau County. It wasn't until the last four years, living in Franklin Square, that I saw lizards and toads and snakes. And it's so weird, because aside from where I was in Queens, it was leaning the most toward the "urban" side of "suburban" out of all the others. And I didn't even know there WERE lizards on Long Island until I moved there. They're not native -- they're Italian Wall Lizards (Podarcis sicula), and live in only a few pockets of Long Island. If you google the italicized latin name, you'll see pics. They'd scurry all over the yard, across the concrete driveway, kinda cute.
sunny & the 5 egg layers :


We once hatched snapping turtle eggs. We had found the eggs in a dirt pile behind our house and we put them in an old sled and covered them in sand. They ended up hatching and we got like 18 baby snappers. We released them in a pond behind our house. It was really neat.

Every September we will find some baby snappers in the road, some turn out to be road kill but we try our best to rescue them and release them in the pond.

I did the exact same thing when I was lil, with some Red eared slider turtle eggs, my dad was doing some plowing when he dug up the nest so we took the eggs put them in a glass jar filled with sand and they all hatched and boy were they cute I wanted to keep one but my dad maid me let them go lol​

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