Located in Marietta and looking for pullets to add to my flock


May 4, 2015
I have lost 2 chickens and I am looking for 1 Buff Orpington pullet and 1 Easter Egger to add to my flock. Please contact me if you have one for sale

We're glad you joined us!

Sorry for your losses, I suggest you check out the buy sell trade section, or your state thread.
Welcome from Middle Georgia. So sorry about your losses.

If you search Marietta, there are quite a number of posts by people there. Yo Georgians is the states "where am I, where are you" thread and someone may have a resource for you.
The Georgia Ag Market Bulletins also lists for sale poultry by breeders. I've never attended poultry shows, but if you search for those likely you will find other resources to help.

Good luck in locating the BO and EE.
Welcome to backyard chickens. The BYC buy/sell/trade forum requires 20 posts before you can participate. There is also a "wanted to buy," section & "free animals in need of rehoming."

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