Lock down


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2017
Will I kill the duck if I try to candle it during lockdown? I'm on day 34 and I see no pipping what so ever, I candled them before they went on lockdown and all were alive and well. I have no idea what to do. They are Muscovy ducks.
Will I kill the duck if I try to candle it during lockdown? I'm on day 34 and I see no pipping what so ever, I candled them before they went on lockdown and all were alive and well. I have no idea what to do. They are Muscovy ducks.
Its not time for them to pip yet----close----just leave them along for a few more days.
Muscovies, from my personal experience, have a slightly longer incubation period than other fowl. I've had some hatch on day 40 (yes, I counted right. I was quite surprised myself.)

I would recommend not messing with the incubator, though I haven't ever hatched them with one of those (will soon though!). I generally candle them at 33 days if they haven't started hatching (muscovy hens make the best mamas), and haven't had a problem.

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