Lockdown and Humidity? HELP!


9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
Spring Grove, PA
I know we are not suppose to open the bator after lockdown, but I am really having trouble keeping the humidity above 60% in my Hovabator 1602N. Is it okay to open the bator if none of the chicks have pipped yet, it is day 19 and I am really sruggling to keep it up.(I have opened it today to add water, quickly) Any suggestions, all wells are full and I have a sponge in it too. Not sure what to do, will the chicks be okay?
I have a wet wash cloth in mine and because there are little holes in the incubator lid, I shoot hot water with a syringe onto the clothes which immediately raises the humidity. Warning though - if the water is really hot .. or you are shooting a lot in there it will also raise the temp.

I do not know what your incubator looks like ...as this has been my first incubation attempt....with a borrowed incubator at that!
They will manage. Hens are not exact and they pull off a record number of hatches every year

Do your best, but don't open it once they start pipping. The humidity will flux up and down as they hatch because the eggs have moisture in them so as the chicks kick open the shells all that moisture comes out with them.

I know it's a nail bitter, but hang in there baby, they're almost here
I usually hatch at 50-55%, I don't think you need to worry at all. I have had successful hatches at 40%, though I don't recommend that low as a general practice!

Happy Hatching!
A spray bottle helps to mist threw the vents to keep it up.... You can mist them real good to if you do have to open it to refill. Just keep the spray bottle by the heater to keep it warm. Opening before any pip is no big deal.
I have a hovabator genesis 1588 and I am ASSUMING that we are using the exact same plastic liner that comes with the bators... So here is my experience.

Follow the directions that come with the bator regarding filling the two wells with water on lockdown day and IGNORE your hygrometer.

Here is why i say this: I have become a hatching fool the last year and have at least 12 hatches under my belt and I've had very successful hatches by just filling the two wells and leaving the bator alone and NOT worrying about the humidity reading.
Thank you that is what I have done and I will let it be now, I am sooooo excited!!!!! First Hatch with this model and only my third 3rd hatch ever.

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